Sum of all fears
The Sum of All Fears - a sensational novel by American writer Tom Clancy from 1991. In Poland, published in the same year by GiG, and later by Adamski and Bieliński. < / p> Description of the plot
Terrorists accidentally find a nuclear bomb lost by an Israeli plane during the Yom Kippur War. With the help of a researcher from East Germany, they are rebuilding a bomb, changing its structure into a fusion bomb. Detonation occurs in the United States. However, it appears that just before the completion of the construction, the scientist has not disclosed to colleagues information about the need to separate the tritium from helium and the bomb has significantly less power than expected.
However, there is a danger of an international nuclear conflict. After the deployment of US and Russian armed forces in the highest degree of readiness, escalation of events is caused by accidental clashes between planes and ships of both sides. Terrorists add to the battle of armored units in Berlin. The whole world is facing the threat of the outbreak of World War III. Everything depends on the presidents of Russia and the US, but the latter is subject to panic. Jack Ryan, deputy director of the CIA, remains the only hope for humanity.
In the background of the main action is a plan developed by Jack Ryan to bring peace in the Middle East. Although author Jack is not formally attributed to his work. adaptations
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