Appoggio (Italian) - conscious exhalation of the exhaust phase by a person singing with controlled respiratory muscle tension. The correct resonator function is also valid here. Functioning
The whole voice acting machine is an integral part of the function, so the lack of correlation between its parts leads to a decrease in the acoustic value of the sound emitted. The voice apparatus can be divided into three components: Respiratory apparatus
The human respirator consists of two segments: the chest and the abdomen. The thoracic segment consists of a chest shaped in the form of a bell, which from the bottom is closed with a flat muscle, diaphragm. The side walls of this bell are made of ribs, which, in the form of bone slides, extend from the spine to the front of the bridge, bending down simultaneously. Thanks to this tilt, and because of the large movable ribs, the chest can change its volume.
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