
Showing posts from May, 2013

First aid kit

First Aid Kit - Polish short horror animated, made with cut-out technique, directed by Aleksander Sroczyński, with his screenplay and music. Tomasz Wolf is the author of the film. For this production, A. Sroczyński received an award at the National Competition of Animated Film in Cracow. Description of the plot The hero of the movie is an old man who is hit by several cars while trying to cross a dangerous road. It's hard to get out alive, but in a moment it's rubbish again and again. wiki

Transforming growth factor beta

Transforming growth factor beta, TGF-β (transforming growth factor β) - a protein consisting of three isoforms: TGF-β1, TGF-β2, TGF-β3. It belongs to a larger family of proteins called the superfamily of transforming growth factor beta, which includes, inter alia, inhibin, activin, AMH, bone morphogenetic proteins. TGF-β controls the proliferation and differentiation of most cell types. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. In simplified terms, the transforming growth factor beta manages cells during their development and contributes to wound healing. In the normal state TGF-β is captured by the fibrillin glycoprotein into the connective tissue. Marfana TGF-β is not bound by fibrillin and remains a free part of the blood, leading to abnormal cellular tissue behavior. See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki

Boards of thickness of standing trees

Boards of thickness of standing trees are a set of numbers, representing the average thickness of a tree depending on some of its dimensions. The most common are the tree and the height of the tree. In Poland, tables of tree thickness have been developed by Grundner and Schwappach (commonly called Schwappach tables). They give the thickness of the whole tree and the thickness of the tree's thickness depending on the breast and tree height. Plaques were developed for pine, spruce, fir, larch, beech, oak, birch and alder. Some tree species have been developed for the tree species. There are two tables for pine trees: aged 80 and over 80 years. In Poland, there are also boards of thickness for trees in Czuraja, Radwański and Strzemeskie. Original thickness tables for pine and spruce developed by Radwański. Determining the thickness of a tree based on the breadth and height based plate tables requires prior measurement of these tree features. However, the thickness of the tree can...

Masaaki Suzuki

Masaaki Suzuki (Japanese: 鈴木 雅明, Suzuki Masaaki, born April 29, 1954 in Kobe) is a Japanese organist, harpsichordist and conductor. Student of Ton Koopman, representative of authenticity in performance. Founder (in 1990) and music director of the choir and accompanying Bach Barrister Orchestra of Japan, performing music on historical instruments. Professor of Organ and Harpsichord at Tokyo University of the Arts. In 2014, he graduated from Bach Collegium Japan in 1995 with a series of recordings of all Johann Sebastian Bach cantata for BIS Records. They also record other works by Bach, including eg Great Mass in B minor (2007). They are playing around the world. Suzuki also records solo albums - primarily Bach's songs for harpsichord. He sat in the jury of the Bach International Bach Competition in Leipzig. Authoritative control (person): wiki

Banisty Żleb

The western slope of Ornak. Breadman first on the left Baniste Żleb - one of several gulls on the western slopes of Ornak in the Western Tatras. They come from the ridge of Ornak to the Starorobocia Valley. These, counting from the Iława Valley in the south direction, are: Hell, Bankier Żleb, Intermediate Żleb, Graniczniak, Żleb on Pass and Żleb pod Pyszna. Banister's name is derived from the place in the upper part of the so-called banister. Formerly there was a mine in it, or pumpkins. It was one of the oldest mines in the Polish Tatras. The documents are already quoted in 1520 as a company with King Zygmunt I Old, but perhaps it was already in the 15th century, because a document from the second half of the 16th century called it "Old Robot". The name of the mine comes from the name of Starorobociańska Valley. Baltazar Hacquet excavated the mine in antimony-copper ore with an admixture of about 80 g of silver in 100 kg of dredged material and later also of pyrite. Th...
Aramids - a group of polymers, a type of fiber-forming polyamides. Their characteristic feature is the presence in their main chains aromatic groups. Some aramids contain only aromatic groups between amide bonds, while others contain aliphatic moieties. The more aromatic groups it contains, the greater the mechanical, thermal and fire resistance, but also the solubility, which increases the difficulty of processing. Aramids as fibers have much higher tensile strength than other polyamides. This is due to two facts: Aramid fibers produce bulletproof vests, protective layers for firefighters, aviators, rally drivers and astronauts. In addition, the rods that make up the masts of yachts, ski poles and other elements that require high mechanical resistance are manufactured from the aramids. Finally, these polymers are used in the form of thin films - which are then pressed between other materials to form laminates with high mechanical strength. Aramid was invented in 1965 by Stepha...

Optical time multiplexer

Optical Time Multiplexing (OTDM) - a type of time division multiplexing in which multiplexing and demultiplexing are performed in an optical way. Unlike the TDM electrical mismatch, electro-optical and optoelectric conversion are implemented in the baseband. Multiplexing and demultiplexing are already subjected to an optical signal. E / O processing is performed before multiplexing, even at lower bitrates. Similarly, the O / E conversion occurs after demultimplexation. In high-speed TDM multiplexing, there is a problem of limited speed of electronic circuits. The speed of the electrical part of the system must be equal to the multiplied signal speed. In case of OTDM, this problem disappears because the electrical system is working only in the baseband, before the multiplexer and after the demux. First stage of the process The first step in the process is to sample the signal from the primary channels. A series of optical pulses characteristic for the primary channel is generated. ...

Burgrabia of Cracow

Cracovian burgher (Latin magnus procurator arcis cracoviensis) - the crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Commonwealth. Appointed by the king, however, was subject to the authority of the mayor of Cracow, which was purely illusory, because the governor's power did not reach the castle, and he was responsible only in the parliamentary court. He was taking a salary from Wieliczka's soup. Since 1621 he was freed from his participation in the general uprising. He was responsible for the care of the Wawel Royal Castle. The office was created during the reign of Casimir III the Great. Burgrabia was one of the judges of the High Court of German Law. In the second half of the sixteenth century there were nine, at the end of the eighteenth century. Bibliography wiki

Józef Życzkowski

Józef Życzkowski (born January 12, 1895 in Piwniczna, died 3 January 1967 in Cracow) is a Polish conductor and teacher, lecturer at the Conservatory of the Music Society in Cracow. Conductors of academic choirs. In the years 1923-1929 he was conductor of the Krakow Academic Choir of the Jagiellonian University and choirs of Cracow: Orion, Echo, Workman's Labyrinth. The author of books and song collections, which also include their own compositions: Michał Życzkowski's father. wiki


Fiona is a feminine name. Fiona's name was invented and first used by the Scottish poet James Macpherson (1736-1796), author of the so-called. "Osman's song", supposedly by the medieval Scottish bard, whose manuscript was to be discovered and translated into English. Other names that have been widely popularized by this poet include Malvinas, Selma and Oskar. The name was later used as the pseudonym of William Sharp (1855-1905), who was the author of several romantic works written under the pseudonym Fiona Macleod. Since then, this name has become popular in England and Scotland. It is believed that this name is a linguistic form of the Irish word fionn, meaning something "white", "fair", "fair". Fiona's name is sometimes used in the form of a glandular derivative of the original Irish form of Fion. There is also a tendency to replace the actual Scottish name Fionnghal and Fiona's name (it is also possible that Fiona's n...

Vyacheslav Naumenko

Vyacheslav Grigorievich Naumienko, Russian Вячеслав Григорьевич Науменко (born February 25, 1883, died October 30, 1979 near New York City) is a Russian military general (lieutenant general), senior officer in the Cossack Army General Staff during the Second World War II. He graduated from the Mendelian Cadet Corps in Voronezh in 1901, the Nicolayan cavalry school in 1903 and the 2nd class of the Nikolayev Academy of General Staff in 1914. He participated in the First World War. From March 1915 he was a senior adjutant in the staff of the 1st Cavalry Division of the Cuban Cossacks. He was then a lieutenant colonel of the 4th Cavalry Division of the Cuban Cossacks. On January 28, 1917, he became head of the field officer commanding the Cossacks. In January 1918 he joined the Cossack troops fighting in the south of Russia with the Bolsheviks. In April of this year, he became the Chief of Staff of the Cavalry Brigade Gen. Pokrowski. From June he commanded 1 cavalry regiment, 1 cavalry b...

Witold Kochan

Witold Zygmunt Kochan (born October 31, 1956 in Stalowa Wola) is a Polish politician and self-government officer, Member of the Sejm of the 6th term of office, Mayor of Gorlice, Mayor of Gorlice. Curriculum vitae He completed his studies in sociology at the Jagiellonian University. Between 1990 and 1999 he was the head of the Regional Labor Office in Gorlice. In 1999 he became the director of the Krakow Agency for the Development of the Cracow Region Agency, in 2000 he was the director of the Gorlice Business Support Center and the representative of the Special Economic Zone "Euro-Park" Mielec in Gorlice. From 1998 to 2002, he sat in the First Chamber of the Polish Parliament. In the years 2002-2005 he served as a councilor of the Gorlice poviat of the Małopolska Local Government Movement Gorlice and the county governors. December 21, 2005 he was appointed to the post of governor of Małopolska in the government of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz. He was recalled shortly after J...

Krzysztof Dowgird

Krzysztof Dowgird - a fictional film character, the main protagonist of the popular Polish TV series, from the "cloak and sword" - Black Clouds. Krzysztof Dowgird is a Polish nobleman sealing Topor's coat of arms and is also an officer (colonel) in the Prussian service. It opposes the attempt of execution of the Polish burghers sentenced by the electoral governor. As a result of these events, he speaks of service in the electoral army and, together with the sergeant Kacprem, Pilchem ​​begins a daring escape to the Commonwealth. Krystian Kalkstein-Stolinski was the Prussian nobleman. The character of Colonel Dowgird was played by Leonard Pietraszak. wiki


Chentejn (Хэнтийн нуруу, Chentijn nuruu; Хэнтэйн нуруу, Chentejn nuruu) - the framework mountains in north-eastern Mongolia and partly in Russia (northern part of Chenteju, Хэнтэй-Чикойское нагорье, Chentej-Chiko nagorje), at the foot of which lies the capital of Mongolia Ulan Bator. The northwestern part of Chenteju lies in the Aymakaya district (forming part of the eastern part of the Ajmaku), southwest of the central Ajmaku (forming the north-eastern part of the Ajmaku), at the foot of Bogdchan Uul lies the capital of the Dzogunmod. The chedi is called Chenteju and is located in the central part of these mountains (at the southern tip of Chenteju is the capital of the Ajmaku Öndörchaan), within the territory of the eastern ajmaku are the eastern extremities of Chenteju (forming the northwest part of the Ajmaku). The course of the NE-SW band, the height of the central part of the band is 2000 m nm, the highest peak of the Asraltchajrchan uul with a height of 2799 m n.p.m. Divide th...


Automatik - a music project established in 1998, founded by Rafał Nowak and Andrzej Rajski. Constant cooperation with musicians: Antoni Gralak - trumpet, Włodzimierz Kiniorski - saxophone, Piotr Pawlak - guitar, Zbigniew Brysiak - instr. Drum The group is a recipient of the 2004 Rfi Electronic Music Award Grand Prix organized by Radio France Internationale. Music Automatik is an experimental electronic trans with elements of jazz and contemporary trends in dance music, enriched with the sound of acoustic instruments. discography wiki
Arnold Kriedte (born July 17, 1869 in Grudziądz, died in Coburg in 1945) is a German journalist, publisher and cultural activist. In September 1895, Arnold Kriedte opened a bookstore in Grudziądz on the current ul. Mickiewicz, on the corner of today's ul. Małogroblowa. After a few years, it has taken a leading position among the booksellers of Grudziądz, becoming a publishing house. In the years 1905-1913 Kriedte published editorial-oriented city addresses, travel guides, plans and a huge number of postcards, today a very valuable historical source. The company also ran an artistic, musical and paper department, as well as a reading room, organized exhibitions and concerts of local artists. Arnold Kriedte supported the work of the museum and was an activist of the singing association. When Grudziądz returned to Poland, Arnold Kriedte remained on the spot as an active German minority. He brought the publishing houses from the Reich, worked in the amateur German Scene, he deserved...


Keremet - the goddess of the Permian Finn (Udmurt). The name borrowed from Turkish peoples meaning "the spirit of an important person". Also called Haud or Shayne. The opposite of good - Inmara, but with similar power. Inmar was probably his brother. Keremet is evil and intelligent. There is an underground world and evil spirits. He and his brother took an active part in creating the land. Inmar sent him a little soil from the seabed to create the world. Here is a famous cosmogonic motif: the world is created by the cooperation of good and evil god, and it is the evil that submerges in the sea, for it is he who exercises power over him. With a piece of land hidden in front of the Inmarem, Keremet creates mountains. It is also the cause of the annihilation or exile of the first people, because for their sake they eat a drink forbidden by Inamara - kumys. In the sacred groves (also called keremes or deities) sacrifices were sacrificed to them with black hair. wiki
Boleslaw Berger ps. Kuroki (born August 8, 1876 in Łachów - ca. 1942 in Warsaw) - Socialist activist, one of the main creators of the PPS Combat Organization. He graduated from the middle school of hunters in Dąbrowa Górnicza, but for health reasons he did not work in the mine. In 1895 he was employed in spinning wool in Sosnowiec. From 1896, a member of PPS. Arrested for his activities in 1897 and 1898. Again arrested in 1899 on the killing of an agent. Sentenced to 5 years of exile in Siberia. After three years he came back and returned to the Kingdom. From December 1903 to April 1904, a member of the Central Workers' Committee of the PPS. He organized the first combat circles and then the first groups of the PPS Conspiracy Organization. In 1904 he was one of the organizers of the PPS manifesto at the Grzybowski Square in Warsaw, which took place on 13 November. They were protested against against the Russian army in connection with the Russian-Japanese war. Demonstrators ...

Petras Jurgaitis

Petras Jurgaitis (born February 14, 1894 in Stipinai near Jonis, March 19, 1959 in Cleveland) is a Lithuanian military activist and civil servant, Mayor of Birz in Jamaica. In 1915 he graduated from the Moscow Military Academy ("Proporian"), then took part in the First World War. In 1919 he returned to Lithuania, where he commanded a battalion first, and later regiment - fought with Soviet and Polish troops occupying the country, he was captured by the Polish, but managed to escape. In 1922, he completed military training and later studied at the Kaunas Military School, where he was headmaster in 1928-30. In the 1930s the state authorities sent him to the local government: from 1936 to 1940 he was the mayor of Birzów. After the annexation of Lithuania by the USSR, it was sent to Siberia. After the Second World War, he first stayed in Germany and later moved to the United States, where he died. Bibliography wiki

Layout in Dzierzgonie

The Dzierzgon Treaty (also known as Dzierzgon Treaty) was signed on February 7, 1249, at the Dzierzgoń castle, after the first Prussian uprising. The event was attended by papal legate Jakub of Leodium, later Pope Urban IV. The contract was signed after the defeat of the Prussians in the battle of Dzierzgon. She charged the Prussians with respect to the principles of Christian religion, the final renunciation of pagan practices and beliefs, tithing and military service to the Teutonic Order. In return, the Prussians received personal freedom, the right of inheritance, and equality with the German people. Prussians were to apply the Polish law in court and system matters. The agreement concerned only Prussians who submitted to the Order - the Pomezans and natives of Natalia and the northern part of Warmia. Under the Dzierzgon system the Prussians moved to Pasłęka. The peasants from the Mazovia, Bohemia and Germany colonized them. wiki

Codex Manesse

Codex Manesse, folio 11v - Henryk IV Prawy Codex Manesse, Manesse Codex (Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift) - the most important collection of medieval German poetry written on parchment and richly illustrated in the years 1305 - 1340. The authors of the book are noble born musicians and lyric poets called minnesingerami. Their inspiration was the work of French troubadours. The book contains works by 139 authors and 137 unique miniatures depicting minnesinger and their coats. One of the miniatures depicts the prince of Wroclaw, Henry IV, right in the role of the winner of the knight's tournament receiving the wreath, handed to him by one of the ladies sitting on the honor stands. Henry IV The righteous lessons of chivalrous virtues and war craft were received at the court of the Czech king Przemysl Ottokar II. Miniatures are a valuable source of knowledge about contemporary clothing, everyday items and heraldic signs. Codex Manesse is currently located in the library of th...

Józef Krakor

Józef Krakor (born February 4, 1881 in Jedzbark near Olsztyn, died April 6, 1961 in Leszno, near Olsztyn) is a Polish activist in Warmia, a book collector. Curriculum vitae He came from a peasant family. Since 1910 he was a resident of the Podolsztyn village of Leszno, where he belonged to the active collaborators of the People's Reading Society in Warmia. He donated material aid to this organization, and at the same time he collected books in Polish which he made available to the peasants. At the time of the plebiscite, he was involved in the movement for the victory of the Polish option. In the 1930s he was promoting Polish education and reading in the land of Warmia, performing duties of the trustee of the 4th District of the Union of Poles in Germany and several times the husband of the trust of the Polish election committees during the elections to the Prussian parliament. Until September 1939 he was a librarian of the East Prussian Branch of the Central Polish Library in...

Jonathon Sharkey

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey (born April 2, 1964 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, as John Albert Sharkey) is a satanist, politician and musician. As a professional wrestler and boxer, he appeared under the pseudonym Rocky "Hurricane" Flash. Founder of the Church of the Followers of Lucifer and the Vampires, Witches, and Pagans Party. He was elected president in the US in 2004 and 2008. Sharkey gained publicity when he publicly announced that after taking the president's chair he would pound George W. Bush. US intelligence services have launched an investigation into this. He also applied for the governor's seat in Minnesota. He tried to sit in Congress. wiki

Opus IV

Opus IV - the third studio album of the Abigor music group in Austria. Remastered in 2004 and released as a double CD Verwüstung / Invoke the Dark Age by Napalm Records. Horns Lurk Beyond the Stars Songs 1,2,3 and 4 recorded and mixed in November / December 1995. Texts written by T.T. Blus Aus Aeonen Songs 5,6,7 and 8 recorded and mixed in May, 1996. Texts written by P.K. Both sides (discs) have a separate cover and the booklet is divided into two parts. Herbert Jandl played in 5,6,7 and 8 songs on the flute. tracks Creators wiki

Synagogue in Baku

Baku Synagogue is a synagogue located in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on Dilara Aliyeva Street 171. It is the largest synagogue in the country and has been operating in Baku for over 100 years. The construction of the synagogue began in February 2002. The project was made by a Jewish architect from Azerbaijan, Galber Alexander. In the meantime the construction was stopped due to lack of funds. At that time, foreign organizations Joint, the Jewish Community in Prague, the Jewish Jewish Congress "Euroasia", Sochnut and many others, thanks to which the construction of the synagogue was completed. Its official opening took place on March 9, 2003. It is a three-storey building with two prayer rooms: a large one dedicated to Ashkenazic Jews and a small Georgian Jew, as well as a kosher canteen, which spends about 70 meals a day, a library and a scientific center. At the synagogue is Rabbi Meir Brook from Chabad-Lubawich. wiki


Sub7 or SubSeven is the name of a popular backdoor. It is mainly used by the so-called. script kiddies - inexperienced crackers for damage, such as hiding the cursor, changing system settings or loading pornographic pages. However, it can be used for more serious criminal activities such as stealing credit card data through a keylogger. The name of this program was created by reversing the word NetBus → ("suBteN") and changing "this" to "seven". Sub7 is usually stopped by anti-virus or firewall software, and thanks to the built-in features of operating systems, it does not pose a major security risk. However, if it is packed in eg zip archive, some older antiviruses may not detect it (newer antivirus can browse archives, so it is not a threat to them). The author of this software is Mobman (his place of residence and other details are unknown). This project has not been updated for several years, just like its website (the last modification is dated A...

Breast implants

Breast implants filled with silicone gel Young woman before and after breast augmentation using silicone implants Breast implants - a prosthesis used to enlarge the size of a breast for cosmetic reasons (so called breast augmentation, breast enlargement or mammoplasty with breast enlargement) to restore the missing breast (eg after mastectomy or congenital malformations) and as a gender change. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United States. In 2006, 329,000 treatments were performed in this country. There are two main types of breast implants: filled with saline and silicone gel. Both types of implants have a silicone sheath that is made up of three layers to prevent the implant from breaking. There are also two types of implant surfaces: smooth and porous. The first one has the advantage that it looks very natural, although it is more likely to shrink the bag, which implies the ne...
Prayer after Communion (Oratio post communion) - In the Mass, preceded by the adoration of Communion, thanks to the priest's prayer, recited from the altar or from the presidency, ending the Communion rites. It belongs to the presidential prayers, recited in the name of the whole liturgical assembly and "gathers" all private prayers of thanksgiving to the faithful. In this prayer, the priest asks for the fruit of the celebrated mystery, and the faithful answer "Amen," thus recognizing it as his (General Introduction to the Roman Missal). At every Mass there is only one prayer after Communion. Most of the prayers after Communion come from the ancient sacramentals and the congregational Missal. wiki

Harber's triangle

Harber's triangle - Harber's triangle is called the irreversible social loss caused by the introduction of a tax. Harber's triangle took its name from the name of an economist who examined the subject. The loss caused by the introduction of a tax on goods can be expressed in terms of reducing the surplus of the consumer. The figure above shows the consumer surplus before and after the introduction of a perfectly competitive AD tax, which is wholly transferred to the final price of the good. Simple d is a compensated curve of demand for a given good. Before the introduction of the tax the point of equilibrium was point B. Its introduction at AD shifts the supply curve up by a value equal to the amount of tax, and the new point of equilibrium becomes E. The surplus of the consumer thus decreases with ABED. Part of this loss (AGED) could be a source of increased utility as a result of the allocation of these funds to finance state spending. The rest (EGB) called Harber'...

Stanislaw Jarosz

Stanisław Jarosz (born January 21, 1961 in Sieniawa) is a Polish politician, self-government official and civil servant. Senate of the fourth term of office, 2007-2011 Vice-President of the Supreme Chamber of Control. Curriculum vitae He completed his studies at the Faculty of Foreign Trade at the Warsaw School of Economics. In the second half of the 1980s he worked as a specialist at the "Zremb" plant. From 1990 to 1997 he served as councilor and mayor of Międzyrzec Podlaski. He was a senator of the 4th term of office of the Solidarity Electoral Action, elected in the Bialystok Province. Since 2001 he has been working at the Supreme Chamber of Control, and on 31 October 2007 he was appointed to the position of the NIK's Vice-President. On September 2, 2011, he ceased to fulfill these responsibilities, remaining an employee of the institution. Bibliography wiki
Discretionary Protection - according to the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria Criteria level marked C1. Provides elementary security for users working in a multi-user environment and processing data of equal security level. C1 systems use hardware or software mechanisms to identify and authorize users. The system protects identification and passwords from unauthorized access. Identification of users should be used in each access mode of the resource. Each user has full control over the objects that own it. Most unix systems are included in this class. Unlike MAC, a user who has specific access rights to objects can give it to other users. DAC allows the user to fully set permissions to access their own resources. Existing DAC implementations can additionally control the above mentioned laws. Privileges are most commonly written in the form of ACLs assigned to individual objects. Basic security model for most operating systems. User and process objects inherit access ri...


He died - Old Polish male name, composed of two parts: Zdzie-, derived from the pulpit. * "to do, to do," to "make a name," to "do", and "to" ("nice"). First recorded in Poland in 1399. It could mean "the one who makes others nice." Some possible Old Polish shortcuts: Zduj, Zdzich, Zdzicho, Zdziech, Zdziecho, Szdziema (masc.), Zięma (masc.), Zdzieno, Zdzko, Zigis, Zdzisza (masc.), Zdzisko, Zdziszyna (masc.), Zdzinko, Zdziszyna (masc. > He celebrated his name day on December 7th. Matches in other languages: wiki

Jerzy Berowski

The grave in the Military Powazki Jerzy Berowski ps. Szczerba, Czesław (born March 4, 1914, died August 11, 1944 in Warsaw) - Second Lieutenant, Officer of the Brodie Brigade Brigade "of the Home Army, in the Warsaw Uprising in the command of the battalion" Zośka ". During the German occupation, he was active in the Polish underground army. He died on the 11th day of the Warsaw Uprising during the Battle of Wola. He was 30 years old. He was buried at the Military Cemetery in the soldiers' quarters of the battalion "Zośka". wiki

Windows Live Mobile

Windows Live Mobile - Microsoft has released version 2.0 of Windows Live Mobile Search as well as its mobile optimized search engine. For mobile applications, versions are available for Windows Mobile, Java virtual machine (J2ME), and Blackberry. Web application only requires web browser. As you might expect, a local application has more capabilities than a web application. It offers movie trailers, more local information, and user reviews. Improved Virtual Earth maps. Users can increase the cache size by using a memory card. Improved navigation and support for built-in GPS receivers. Added as recently as Google Maps is the ability to modify the way you search. If the user modifies a route, the rest will be automatically adjusted. The web search engine allows you to search for Instant Answers, Local, Images to News, Spaces and Web sites. Searching for Instant Answers and images is new to this version. wiki

Hy Zaret

Hy Zaret is actually Hyman Harry Zaritsky (born August 21, 1907 in New York City, July 2, 2007 in Westport) is an American composer, songwriter. He was both co-author of the hit song "Unchained Melody" from 1955, performed by such bands as The Platters, The Righteous Brothers and U2. The song was released on Phil Spector's Philles Records label. The track was used as a soundtrack in several films, and the song was recorded nearly 300 times, bringing Hy Zaret and Alex North to an Oscar nomination for Best Song. Authoritative control (person): wiki

Katarzyna Kenig

Katarzyna Kenig (born 1 April 1979 in Bytom) is a Polish basketball player. She is a very versatile and well-trained technician, capable of playing successfully in all positions. Łódz Lodz competitor. She started her career in Stanica Bobrek Bytom. In addition, she played in Wabkniarzu Pabianice, Vistula Cracow and Widzew Lodz. Former representative of the country. He is married to a former basketball player and owner of ŁKS Łódź, Filip Kenig. Its biggest successes include: the 1997 gold medal and the semi-finals of the. Lilianny Ronchetti in colors ŁKS Łódź. Progress on carrier Successes wiki

Fallout (band)

Fallout was founded in the late 1970s in Brooklyn (New York). The band consisted of four members - bassist and main vocalist Peter Steele (then under the real name Peter Ratajczyk), keyboardist Josh Silver, drummer and vocalist Lou Beateaux (Lou Beato) and John Campos, guitarist and vocalist. This composition was not only the basis for Carnivore, but also Type O Negative. In those days, the style of playing the band can be considered as deriving from Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. Fallout songs dealt almost the same themes as Cranivore's first album. Under the Wheels tells us about death in the subway and Fallout with nuclear destruction. Rock Hard is a song about a little boy who can not accept the death of his girlfriend. When we add the song Batteries Not Included, we will have a complete list of Fallout songs. With a little help from Josh's parents, in 1981, Rocky released their seventh single "Fallout," consisting of two songs, Rock Hard and Batteries Not Incl...

Merger of power

Merger of power - the phenomenon of the actual (but not the formal) takeover by the government of the powers of the parliament. It occurs in the Westminster model of the Parliamentary-Cabinet regime. The condition for the merger of power is a two-party party system (therefore - one-party government) and the merger of the prime minister and leader of the winning party. In this situation the prime minister has a disciplined parliamentary majority. So he can lead his policy, being a certain support of the parliament. This, however, does not have the potential to influence the government's policy (despite the formally large powers). An example of a fusion of authority is the United Kingdom. Bibliography Western European Democracies. Comparative analysis (edited by R. Herbut, A. Antoszewski), Wroclaw 1997 wiki

Larry Wu-Tai Chin

Larry Wu-tai Chin, also known as Jin Wudai (Chinese: 金 无 怠; pinyin: Jīn Wúdài; 1923-1986) - American Chinese, CIA analyst He has been spying for the PRC for more than thirty years. Curriculum vitae From 1948 to 1952 he was an officer of the US Army in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and then retired in 1981 to the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), one of the cells of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). CIA as a translator and an analyst for secret documents. Since 1952, he has provided China with classified materials, including information on the location of Chinese prisoners of war in South Korea and governmental assessments of international issues. He received a total of 180 thousand. dollars. He was arrested in 1985 in Washington. In February 1986 he was found guilty of over 17 charges of espionage, conspiracy, and tax fraud. On February 21, he committed suicide by tying a plastic bag to his head. Bibliography wiki

Belarusian State University of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Institute in Horki on the drawing of Napoleon Orda Białoruska Akademia Rolnicza w Horkach (. Biał Belarusian State Agricultural Academy ros Belarusian Agricultural Academy, pełna nazwa: Belarusian State Order of the October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor selskagaspadarchyh Academy.) - wyższa uczelnia o profilu rolniczym w Horkach . Founded in 1840 as the Hory-Horecka School of Agriculture (Горы-Горецкая земледельческая школа), the first university with such profile in the Romanov Empire. In 1848 it was transformed into the Institute of Rural Economy. After the January Uprising, which was attended by many local students, the institution was transferred for punishment to St. Petersburg. In 1926, the facility was transformed into the Belarusian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's SRR Horki. Currently, almost 13,000 students are studying there. Students in 26 specializations. Famous alumni Bibliography wiki

Wital Woranau

Wital Woranau presents a Belarusian translation of Pooh Winnie Wital Woranau (born Віталь Воранаў, born 18 March 1983 in Minsk) is a Belarusian writer, translator, and academic lecturer. Curriculum vitae Co-founder and chairman of "Belarussian Cultural-Scientific Center" in Poznań and "Bieły Krumkacz" publishing house. Graduate of the Adam Mickiewicz University and Poznań University. Masaryka in Brno. He cooperates with the Polish Poetical Letters, for which he prepared an anthology of modern Belarusian poetry "Postcards from Atlantis." He completed his doctorate at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. Currently he teaches Irish Literature and Belarusian History at Southwestern College (USA). He translated into Belarusian "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett and "Ronnie Pooh" by Alan Milne. In 2013, a collection of "Poetic Pieces" was published. "Grand Duchy of Belarus" (translation by Monika Uranek, ...

International Clearing Union

International Clearing Union (ICU), the British project for the establishment of an international financial institution, was launched in 1944 by J.M. Keynes at the Bretton Woods conference. The basic task of the ICU was to regulate the supply of international liquidity. The anticipated creation of international money (bankor) amounted to 36 billion US dollars. The USA was to enable Europe's economic recovery and the return to monetary stability and freedom of exchange in world trade when the doctrine of economic liberalism for state interventionism was abandoned as a result of the crisis of the 1930s and balance of payments ceased to be the overarching policy goal. business. The ICU's lending activity, which was supposed to be relatively liberal, was intended to protect member states from the need to apply restrictions on foreign trade if the external balance condition was in conflict with a full employment policy. As a result of the US negative view, the project of J.M. K...

Gordon Dobson

Gordon Miller Bourne Dobson (born 25 February 1889, March 11, 1976) is a British physicist and meteorologist, member of the Royal Society of London. He carried out important ozone research. During the meteorological study, he noted that the temperature profile of the tropopause was not constant as originally thought. In fact, as has been shown, this is an area where the temperature is rapidly rising. According to his theory, this is due to the ultraviolet radiation that heats up the ozone layer. He developed the Dobson Spectrophotometer, the first instrument for measuring ozone in the atmosphere. A part of the Dobson Unit's ozone layer measurement unit was named. Bibliography Authoritative control (person): wiki

World Brain

World Brain - a book with essays and speeches published in 1938 by the English writer Herbert George Wells. One of the essays, entitled "The Idea of ​​a Permanent World Encyclopaedia", was particularly remarkable because of the presentation of a vision similar to today's Wikipedia. Essay was originally published in August 1937 in the Encyclopedia Française. The "Brain Organization of the Modern World" essay presented Wells vision of the kind of "clearing house" of the human mind, the knowledge store and the ideas acquired, ordered, summarized, explained and compared. Wells predicted that new technical developments like microfilm could be useful. Any interested person could sit down at his or her projector and familiarize themselves with the microfilm replica of each document. The World Brain project was Wells's response to a question he termed the "World Problem", ie the possibility of mutual purging of nations in the global war con...

Juliusz Betting

Juliusz Betting (born June 21, 1866 in Wroclaw, died November 17, 1935 in Leszno) is a Polish musical instrument builder, owner of the Teodor Betting Piano and Piano Factory in Kalisz. Curriculum vitae He was the son of Teodor, the maker of the piano, and Matilda of Buhle's house. He studied at the Kalisz high school, and from 1891 he practiced with his father in Kalisz and Bechstein in Berlin. His father's factory took over in 1902. The instruments he produced won prizes and diplomas at European exhibitions (Paris 1905, Antwerp 1906). The factory was destroyed during the First World War. Betting resumed operations in 1921 in Leszno. He brought in specialists from Kalisz, modernized the production line, acquired patents. Introduced a small piano room. He founded factory stores in Częstochowa, Poznan and Vilnius, and exported instruments to Germany, Russia, Lithuania and Latvia. By 1939 the company produced about 18,000 pianos, and in 1930 won a gold medal at an internation...

Hans Stanley

Hans Stanley (born 23 September 1721, died 12 January 1780) is a British diplomat. His grandfather was a scholar, Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753), founder of the British Museum. Hans Stanley was the Chargé d'affaires of the British embassy in Paris in 1761. The war lasted for seven years, so there was no ambassador, and despite a low diplomatic status, Stanley was the head of the mission. Between 1766 and 1767 he was a British ambassador in Russia. In 1780 he committed suicide. Bibliography wiki

Zacharias Kunuk

Zacharias Kunuk (born 1957) is a Canadian producer and film director from Inuit. Co-producer (with Norman Cohn) of Atanarjuat films (2001) - the first film shot entirely in inuktitut language, awarded by. A Golden Cameras at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival - and Knud Rasmussen's Diary (2006), a Canadian-Danish co-production film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2006. Co-founder and CEO Igloolik Isuma Productions, An independent, Canadian production company in Canada. In 2002, he was awarded the Order of Canada. He is the son of Enoki Kunuka, an Inuic hunter who in June 2007 was 81 years old and lost 27 days in the Arctic tundra and was found to be healthy and well. Authoritative control (person): wiki

Jean-Balthazar of Adhemar

Jean-Balthazar d'Adhémar (born 1731 or 1736, died 1791) was a French diplomat. D'Adhémar was from an old Languedoc family. No exact date of birth is known. In 1778, he was appointed French Minister in Brussels (Austrian Netherlands). Between 1783 and 1787 d'Adhémar was a French ambassador in London. If you believe the diary of Madame de Campan was him, because the former Ambassador François-Eléonor-Elie de Moustier had the misfortune to anger Queen Mary Antoine. The new ambassador was supposed to improve relations between the two countries. The key to this case was the British professorial Charles James Fox. His secretary was François-Marie de Barthélemy, who replaced him in his duties in 1784, during the illness of d'Adhémar. In 1787 d'Adhémara replaced Anne-César de La Luzerne. Bibliography wiki


Tafilalt oasis in the suburbs of Arfudu Tafilalet is a region in southeastern Morocco, in the Sahara frontage, which covers the areas of the most important economic oasis in the Wadi Ziz and Wadi Gharis valleys in the region of southern Morocco. This is an important palm tree growing center. Today Arfud and Ar-Risani are among the most important cities in the region. The Tafilalt region was an important trading center in the early Middle Ages, where the rich fortified city of Sidjilmas was located, on the route of the caravan from Tanger to the commercial cities of Niger, to Timbuktu. From the middle of the 13th century, Tafilalt is in the hands of the Alawite dynasty rulers who have ruled all Morocco since the 17th century. wiki


Zulu-Gula - satirical program broadcast on TVP1 in 1992-1996. For some time the program was called Zulu Gula Country. The first episode was released on November 26, 1992 and the last episode was just over 3 years later, February 9, 1996. The title role was played by Tadeusz Ross, who was dressed in a distinctive yellow beret and red jacket, had a clipped ear and spoke with distorted words. Stefan Dziuro, Barbara Babilińska, Joanna Palucka, Grzegorz Kucias and Sylwia Noran played host to the hosts Zulu Gula. The program ridiculed the negative aspects of Polish reality. From this program comes the famous sentence of Poland is a very interesting country. The program had the highest number of viewers in the history of Polish entertainment - 65% The segments lasted 10-15 minutes and were broadcast at 5 pm. 18: 45-18: 50 first on Thursdays, later on Fridays. There was also a holiday edition of the Zulu-Gula program on vacation. The re-release of this program was abandoned. In 1998, t...

Acadian Driftwood

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Figure of Thomas Davies, 1758 Acadian Driftwood - ballad of the Canadian band The Band, which was featured on the 1975 Northern Lights-Southern Cross. Robbie Robertson wrote it, sang Levon Helm and Rick Danko. The track is under the Southern Rock genre, with North American North American content. It is the second after The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down song the group whose theme is to entangle the average individual into a whirlwind of historical events. The background for the song was the fight of the Akadaians with the British government in 1755-1758. The inhabitants of the academy (once the French colony) refused in 1710 to obey the Great Britain, resulting in the 1755 Governor Charles Lawrence displaced seven thousand inhabitants of the colony, burning their farms, exposing them to numerous sea catastrophes and diseases. In 1758, the British army hit the fortified and fortified city of Louisbourg by four thousand Frenchmen. The song describes these ...


Piombies - prison rooms located under the roof of the Doge's palace. The roof was made of lead plates that would prevent the prisoners from escaping. In the summer, the sun warming the roof raises the temperature of the air, causing the death of many prisoners. On the lowest floors of the palace there was a prison called Pozzi (wells). Here for the variety usually there was water, whose level rose during high tides. There were some cases of drowning. After building at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, on the other side of the palace canal, a new building (Prigiono Nuove), most convicted of minor offenses were sent to a new prison. Among the prisoners of Piombi were, among others. Giordano Bruno and Giacomo Casanova (who managed to escape). wiki

Toshihiro Nagoshi

Toshihiro Nagoshi (Japanese: 名 越 稔 洋, Nagoshi Toshihiro, born 1965), Japanese producer and video game designer, has been working for Sega for years. He is best known as the producer and director of the Super Monkey Ball series, but also produced Virtua Striker, Daytona USA, and Spikeout. Together with Shigeru Miyamoto from Nintendo produced the F-Zero GX game for the Nintendo Gamecube. He is also a producer and screenwriter with several million dollars in budget for the Ryuu ga Gotoku series, well known in Europe and the United States under the name Yakuza. wiki

David Flint

David Flint - Australian lawyer of the Australian organization for the Constitutional Monarchy Right Flint is in the blood of the Dutch (Dutch colony in present-day Indonesia and Papua New Guinea). He studied at Sydney Boys High School and then studied law, economics and international relations at universities in London, Paris and Sydney. and joining the International Lawyers Association and becoming the second deputy president and national president of the jury. Policy Flint is one of the most prominent Australian monarchists. His book "The Cane Toad Republic" played an important role in the campaign during the monarchist victory for the referendum in 1999. By observing the fall of left-wing intelligence, he wrote the book "Twighlight of the Elites." Believing in the righteousness and timelessness of the monarchy, he founded the "Australians for the Constitutional Monarchy" in 2003 and joined the Samuel Griffith Association. He is the head of the ...

Antonio Pacinotti

Long Viking Boats - British-Yugoslav film from 1963. On the screens of Polish cinemas appeared in 1967. The screenplay is a free adaptation of Rudy Orm's Swedish novelist Frans Gunnar Bengtsson. Story Adventure movie about vikings. Tells the story of the search for the golden bell by Rolf, the son of the royal squadron Step. The Moorish Prince Ali Mansuh is also looking for a bell. Rolf and his brother Orm are kidnapped by King Harald's funeral boat. As the hostess they take the royal daughter of Gerda. After arriving in the Moorish state (probably in present-day Spain), the members of the expedition are captured. Sheikh Ali Mansuh tries to get information from Rolf about the location of the golden bells. Princess Gerda was sold to the prince's harem. The Vikings, trying to free themselves, invaded the prince's harem. After an unsuccessful attempt to escape and threaten the bloody execution on an iron horse, Rolf agrees to lead a tour of the bell with Prince Ali M...

Ewa Felińska

Ewa Felińska Portrait of Evelyn Felińska Ewa Felińska (born December 26, 1793, died December 20, 1859 in Wojutyno) is a participant in independent conspiracies, exile, author of moral novels and memoirs of exiled mother Zygmunt Szczęsny - future Archbishop of Warsaw. Ewa Felińska from Wendorff's home was born in a middle-class landowner's family in the Uznoha estate in present-day Belarus. Her father was Zygmunt Wendorff (Wierzba-Wendorf) of his own coat of arms, and his mother Zofia Sągayłło. Zygmunt Wendorff belonged to the Nowogródek palestry. In 1811 eighteen-year-old Ewa Wendorff married Gerard Feliński, owner of the goods of Wojutyn in Volhynia, brother of Alojzy Feliński. Ewa Felińska was the mother of six children. Zygmunt, the future Archbishop of the Warsaw metropolitan area. After the death of her husband in 1833 Ewa Felińska moved with her children to Krzemieniec, where she joined the Association of the Polish People Szymon Konarski. She was responsible for the c...


Kometel - a name created in 1990 by Telekomunikacja Polska (the end of 1991 as Polish Post, Telegraph and Telephone) business network for the delivery of telephone services and international data traffic, based on ISDN technology. Due to the turbulent development of the Internet and mobile telephony in Poland in the 1990s, Komertel never enjoyed great success. On December 31, 2000, 6415 subscribers were connected to this network throughout Poland. The area code for this network was 0-39 by the end of June 2003. At present, number 39xxxxxxx is allocated to VoIP telephony service providers (as a non-geographic numbering). wiki

Jean Bérenger

Jean Bérenger (born 1934) is a French historian and professor of history at the University of Strasbourg. Since 1990 Professor at the Fourth University in Paris. Specialist in Austrian history. His doctorate was concerned with the history of Austria and Hungary in the seventeenth century. In Polish, one of his works was published: "Religious Tolerance in Europe in Modern Times" (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2002 - ISBN 83-7177-086-3), translated into Polish by a historian studying Poland's relations with France. Forycki. Selected publications Bibliography wiki
Wojciech Henryk Hawryszuk (born October 13, 1952 in Ciechanów) is a Polish journalist, cultural activist and animator of social initiatives. He comes from Ostrow Mazowiecka. He completed his studies in economics and computer science at the Szczecin University of Technology. Interest and professional experience: Technical media (radio, television, cable TV, internet), journalism (Polish Radio Szczecin, Radio AS, Gorzów Land, Radio PSR) marketing and promotion, business information, organization of trade fairs and exhibitions, promotional (Agency Barnaba). Event Organizer: FAMA, Garage, Baltic Blues, New Jazz Conversation, Port Reggae, Sea Stars, Fish Fair, Fish Academy. Editor of Jacek Kleyff and Jan Wolka; "Working Conditions Orchestra" for Polish Recordings; for the publication of "Jacek Music", "Musica Sacra" project, editorial monograph of student song CD "Nostalgia" and "Laughter". Interview of the "Polish Mill" - with ...
Discharge - an event that involves the loss of a climber's contact with the formation after which he climbs. A flight down may end with a collision by collision or fall to the ground. Historically, the drop brought with it a great danger to the climbing, which resulted from the use of ropes produced from vegetable fibers like wool, sisal or hemp. Such ropes often rattled during a strong jerk accompanying the usually flight-stopping, which in consequence often led to the fall and death of the climber. An essential component of the source of injuries was also the non-use of the mountaineering harness. The rope was tied under the armpits and in the event of a jolt it was easy to damage from abrasion to breaking the ribs. Nowadays, the quality and durability and availability of good climbing ropes is so great that the drop is devoid of a factor related to the strength of the rope, and in the case of the use of certain and appropriate assurance is no longer burdened with such great...

Maria Dawska

Tomb of Stanisław Dawski and Maria Dawska in Military Powazki Maria Dawska (born November 12, 1909 in Stanislawow's Interpreter, Warsaw 1993) is a Polish painter. Since 1956 professor of painting. Creativity in the field of easel painting and workshop graphics. In 1928 she began her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, where she graduated in 1933. Then she studied pedagogy and art history at Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv. In 1933, the founder (along with Jonasz Stern and W. Przedwojewski) of the artistic group "Orion" in Stanisławów. After the war, a member of ZPAP in Cracow. In 1947, together with her husband, Stanisław Dawski settled in Wroclaw and started work at the State Higher School of Fine Arts (now ASP). He was Associate Professor of the Department of Painting (1951-1954), Head of General Studies (1954-1958), Dean of the Faculty of Glass (1957-1967), Head of the Department of Painting (1958-1970). After the events of 1968, he was harassed by autho...

Theory of legalism Nozick

Nozick's theory of entitlement, also referred to as the libertarian theories of justice, formulated by Robert Nozick, defines distributive justice not for results (measured, for example, by the amount of goods available to individuals or their usability), but because of the procedures, it is procedural or procedural justice. The theory is just such a redistribution that guarantees respect for the fundamental rights of individuals. Such rights include: the right to life, the freedom to choose, the right to own product. The basis of theory is the possession of goods. Its main assumptions are: wiki

Efraim sunshine

Efraim Sonnenschein (born 15 December 1890 in Czortków - died 1943 in Warsaw) - the last rabbi of the Jewish community in Bydgoszcz, doctor of philosophy. The rabbi's position in Bydgoszcz took place on December 12, 1921. He was rabbi of the Jewish community in Bydgoszcz in the years 1921-1939 and Inowrocław in the years 1933-1935. He had great influence in local Jewish organizations. For years he was in conflict with the municipality board. His religious involvement was challenged, his tendency to conflicts, and his inflated financial demands. Rabin Sonnenschein wrote articles for Jewish newspapers. He died in the Warsaw Ghetto. Bibliography wiki

Silicone resins

Silicone resins - a type of silicone material that contains oligosiloxanes of general formula: RnSiXmOy, where R is alkyl, usually methyl or phenyl. In contrast, X is a functional group, usually H, OH, Cl or OR. These groups may undergo further condensation to form densely crosslinked, insoluble polysiloxane nets. For the general description of the structure of silicone resins, the following abbreviations are often used: The most commonly encountered silicone resins are made up of D and T (DT resins) or M and Q resins (MQ resins), but in the industry there are also "mixed" resins (eg MDT, MTQ, QDT). > Silicone resins form an extensive range of products with a wide variety of useful properties. Their molecular weights are usually between 1000 and 100,000. All of them are liquids at room temperature, provided they are not crosslinked. Such resins, according to the degree of crosslinking, resemble gels in consistency, or are solid elastomers. Silicone resins are amon...

Herb Suchania

The coat of arms is a heraldic shield, with a gold-colored griffin on the blue background between a white six-pointed star and a white heraldic lace with gold at the bottom. The coat of arms symbolizes the city's membership to Szczecin's Gryffindors, and also to the Joannites, which belonged to the city until the Reformation. On the oldest seal, the griffin's claw was between two stars; on the next seals the lower star was replaced by a lily. Herb Suchania (Suchań municipality) was positively awarded the resolution No. 155-621 / O / 2002 of the Herald's Commission of 14 June 2002, which stated its conformity with the principles of heraldry, theology and local historical traditions. Bibliography wiki
BREW (Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless) - An application development platform developed by Qualcomm for mobile phones (eg Benq-Siemens). The platform can support GSM / GPRS, UMTS, and CDMA networks. On the BREW platform, you can download and run small Java applications (including 3D), send messages, share photos, etc. BREW is based on C and C ++ (available free BREW SDKs). One of the most famous phones based on BREW technology is the BenQ-Siemens EF81 mobile phones and very similar functions to the Siemens SXG75. Now many people are editing and editing their phones. wiki

Center for Latin American Studies, Warsaw University

Center for Latin American Studies CESLA UW - an organizational unit of the University of Warsaw with an interdisciplinary character. It was founded in 1988 on the initiative of prof. Andrzej Dembicz. In 2017 it was incorporated into the structure of the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw. Activity The statutory tasks of CESLA are: research, education, dissemination and popularization of knowledge, documentation and publishing. Since 2002, the Center is part of the American and European Institute of the University of Warsaw, whose other organizational units are: OSA - Center for American Studies and EUROREG - Center for European Regional and Local Studies. The Center team consists of: prof. Henryk Szlajfer, prof. Ryszard Paradowski Research topics Address Bibliography wiki

Jacek Kalabiński

The grave of Jack Kalabiński on Powazki; Warsaw, July 27, 2008 Jacek Kalabiński (born September 11, 1938, died July 24, 1998) is a Polish press, radio and television journalist. Curriculum vitae Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Warsaw (1955-1960). He specialized in international issues. Nonpartisan. In the years 1968-1981 in the Polish Radio. 1980-82 President of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Journalists Association. December 13, 1981 on the list of internees. III 1982 released from Polish Radio as part of "verification" of journalists in martial law. 1982-83 in the monthly "Więź". He published in Tygodnik Mazowsze (pseudonyms Kassandra, Kass). In 1983 he went to the USA (Yale University). He published in American newspapers and Polonia press. 1984-1990 Radio Free Europe (New York, Washington). He was the Washington correspondent of "Gazeta Wyborcza" (1990-97), "Rzeczpospolita" (1998). He also commented on the BBC....

Gravure culture

Venus of Lespugue - these types of female figurines are typical of Gravure culture Grave culture, gravitation - a high-archaic archaeological culture with extensive European areas. It was from 32 to 20 thousand years old. The name of this culture comes from the finds at La Gravette in the Dordogne department in south-western France. Characteristic for gravure culture are the products with straight-back (gravure blades), as well as figurines of women, so-called. Venus of the Palaeolithic (eg the Venus of Willendorf) discovered in Austria, probably from Central Europe. The most important position of culture in Poland is Kraków ul. The sleeper, on whom were discovered a lot of flint tools including the leading monuments of this culture as a singleman and knives of the Kostienka type. At this point, the largest mammal bone in Poland has been found, which contains remains of a minimum of 90 individuals. Objects created during the Grave culture period were also found during excavations c...

Or (river)

Length - 332 km, catchment area - 18.6 thous. km², average flow - 21.3 m³ / s (61 km from the estuary). Snow regime with maximum at the turn of April and May, very low water levels throughout the rest of the year. Or is formed by a combination of rivers Szyly and Terysbutak flowing from the western slopes of the Mugodjars, flows north, crosses the Kazakh-Russian border and descends to Urals a few kilometers up from Orsk. Water used for irrigation. It froze for the period from November to March. wiki

Witold Antoniewski

Witold Antoniewski (born April 26, 1919, December 2, 2007) is a Polish advocate, advocate and advocate of the law, a major in the state of rest, a specialist in social security law in Poland. In the years 1986-1992, the chairman of the Committee on the Victims of Stalinist Repression at the Supreme Bar Council (NRA). Curriculum vitae During the Second World War, AK soldier, participant of the Warsaw Uprising, then prisoner of the POW camps. Between 1963 and 1989 he was a member of the Warsaw Bar Association. In the years 1970-1973 Deputy Disciplinary Ombudsman at the District Bar Council (ORA), 1973-1979 President of the Regional Disciplinary Board of the Bar Association, 1979-1983 President of the Disciplinary Court at the ORA, 1983-1986 Disciplinary Officer at the ORA, 1986-1989 Disciplinary Spokesperson for the NRA, and in 2005-2007 a member of the NRA Social-Board Commission. He was a lecturer at the Lawyer Advocacy Training Commission. Long-term chairman of the Court of Arbit...

Molisch's reaction

Molisch reaction, Molisch test - a characteristic reaction used to detect sugars and their derivatives. Execution Add naphthol to the test solution, mix and pour carefully concentrated sulfuric acid on the wall. The appearance of the reddish color on the solution border indicates a positive test result. Mechanism As a result of concentrated sulfuric acid, furfural (in the case of pentoses), hydroxymethylfurfural (in the case of hexoses) or other furfural derivatives, depending on the type of sugar. The aldehyde group of the resulting furfural reacts with the two α-naphthol molecules to form polycyclic red color products, eg for glucose: Positive tests give in addition to sugars all compounds containing sugar ring, in an acidic environment hydrolyzing to monosaccharides. The negative result excludes the presence of sugars. Bibliography wiki

The Renda-Oslera-Weber disease

Rendu-Osler-Weber's disease (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, ORW disease) is a genetically conditioned disease of the phagocytosis group. It manifests itself in vascular malformations. Inheritance is autosomal dominant. In the course of disease, pubescent, oral, lips and tongue, as well as gastrointestinal tract (stomach, esophagus) and urinary tract, are susceptible to traumatic brain injury. The number of hemangiomas increases with age; clinical signs are also increasing. Hemorrhoids are treated locally with hemostatic drugs or tamponade; Frequent developing myeloid leukemia requires treatment with iron preparations or turning of erythrocyte mass. Type I disease is caused by a mutation in the ENG gene in the 9q34 locus encoding the endoglin. Other types of disease are associated with mutations in the ALK1 locus on chromosome 12q (type II), CACNA1A on 5q31 (type III) and 7p14 (type IV). Bibliography See terms related to medical terms and r...


Cysoid (green) formed by curves r = θ and r = Cysoida - type of flat curve. It is based on two other curves. If they are in the polar coordinate system of the equation r = f 1 ( θ ) {\displaystyle r=f_{1}(\theta )} r = f 2 ( θ ) {\displaystyle r=f_{2}(\theta )} The equation for their cysoids is: r = f 1 ( θ ) & # x2212; f 2 ( θ ) {\displaystyle r=f_{1}(\theta )-f_{2}(\theta )} The most well-known curve of this type is the Dioclesian Cyxide, which is a circle and straight circle. Comments wiki

Mahamat Saleh Haroun

Mahamat Saleh Haroun Mahamat Saleh Haroun (born 1961 in N'Djamena) is a Chadian filmmaker and director. Since 1982 he has lived in France. In the long run, he made his film debut in the 1999 film Bye Bye Africa. Made in 2002 in the hometown of Harouna Our father received an award at the FESPACO African Festival. His third film, Drought (2006), won the Special Prize in Venice. The protagonist of the film is Atim, a teenager attempting to avenge his father killed during the civil war. There is a surprising emotional bond between him and the murderer. Direction Authoritative control (person): wiki

Dichotomous scale

Dichotomous scale - type of measurement scale, special case of nominal scale. The variables are on a dichotomous scale when they only take two values. Examples of dichotomous variables: gender, answers to yes / no questions. The nominal variable can be transformed into a sequence of dichotomous variables using binarization. There are special statistical methods adapted to the dichotomous scale, eg chi square. There are also many methods for predicting the value of variables on this scale, eg logistic regression, classification trees. Unlike other variables on a nominal scale, some methods adjusted to the quotient scale can also be used for dichotomous variables when coded as 0 and 1. wiki

St. Kazimierz (association)

House of St. Œuvre de Saint Casimir - an institution founded in 1846 by Polish emigres in Paris (Great Emigration), on the initiative of Princess Anna Sapunanka, to help Poles who have no other refuge in France, veterans, orphans and the poor. The house was financed by the contributions of Polish noble families as well as inheritance and donations. The facility could be built at the current address thanks to the support of the hr. Ksawery Grocholska. The entrance to the building is the Grocholski coat of arms - Syrokomla. House of St. Kazimierz From 1860 until now it occupies a three-storey building with annexes and a large garden at 119 rue du Chevaleret in Paris. It was in this House that the poet Cyprian Kamil Norwid lived and died and the singer Wiera Gran. The Polish general from the January Uprising Aleksander Waligórski died here. From the very beginning, the Sisters and their residents took care of the nuns from Poland from the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity called...

Jan Sieńko

Jan Sieńko (born April 14, 1947 in Bełżyce) is a Polish politician, activist of the Polish United Workers' Party, deputy to the Sejm III and IV term. Curriculum vitae In 1979, he graduated from the Faculty of Sociology and Politics of the Higher School of Social Sciences (acting at the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party) in Warsaw. In 1979 he obtained a doctorate degree in humanities. He belonged to the Association of Rural Youth. From 1966 he was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party. From 1971 to 1975 he was a councilor of the District National Council. He worked in political organizations, among others. in the years 1979-1985 as chairman of the board of the voivodship Socialist Youth Union in Slupsk. From 1985 to 1990 he served as deputy director of the Delegation of the Supreme Chamber of Control. He was the mandate of the 3rd and 4th mandates of the Democratic Left Alliance from the districts of Słupsk and Gdynia. In 2005 he was not re...

Self-propelled rifle

Rifle self-propelled wz. 38M Self-reliant rifle - a rifle with automatic reloading after firing, with a trigger for single-shot fire. The rifle principle is usually based on the discharge of gunpowder gases through the lateral opening of the barrel, but there are also semi-free barrel construction or short barrel recoil (eg the Johnson Type R rifle). The first self-propelled rifles were constructed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. These were not successful constructions, they were expensive and required careful handling. For these reasons they were not popular. It was not until before and during the Second World War that successful maneuvers were made (eg M1 Garand, SKS, Samozariadka, G41), but were quickly replaced by automatic rifles and carbines that could fire in series (FN FAL, AK). > Currently, produced self-propelled rifles are the most commonly used rifles (SWDs) or civilian versions of automatic rifles that are not capable of firing in series. Bibliography ...

201 Complementary Brigade

201 Ersatz-Brigade 201 - one German supplementary brigade from World War II. Created in June 1941 in Fulda, the 9th Military District, within the 16th mobilization wave. For a short time it was also referred to as the 201 Brigade. It consisted of 3 supplementary infantry regiments: 601, 609, and 611. Since July 1941 the task of brigade was to fill the GG area. In December of this year it formed 3 battalions of marines for the North Army Group. The brigade's staff was dispatched from Cracow to the rear of the Army Group Center a month later. In February 1942, the staff was renamed to the 201st Security Brigade, and 3 regimental commanders began operations in Belarus. 6 battalions were left alone in Poland. wiki

Mickey Mouse

Mignik (Finnish Niiskuneiti, Snorkfröken seam) - one of the heroines of Muminki books (created by Tove Jansson), sister Migotka, beloved Muminka. Its features are: blond bangs, gold bracelet on the ankle and creamy yellowish fur color. She shells, loves flowers and trinkets. She is honest and always smiling. They are friendly with Little Mi, although their characters are quite different. She lives with her brother in a forest cottage in the forest. He often visits Muminka and his parents. In winter sleep falls in Muminka's room next to her beloved. She loves jam and pumpkin pie. The comet over the Mumink Valley changes color. wiki

Institute for the Study of the New Testament Text

Logo INTF Institute for the Study of the New Testament (INTF) - an institute for the study of the text of the New Testament. INTF was founded in 1959 by Kurt Alanda (1915-1994) and D.D. Litt (1915-1994) at the Westphalian University Wilhelm in Münster, Westphalia, Germany. Aland was the first director of the Institute. In 1983, Barbara Aland, his wife, replaced him, and since 2004 the director of INTF has been Holger Strutwolf. During the founding of the institute, the aim was to prepare the so-called. Editio Critica Maior based on the entire tradition of all the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, early translations and quotations of the New Testament in ancient Christian literature. Under supervision of Kurta Alanda INTF gathered almost all material. The first part of the Editio Critica Maior containing the Common Letters was published in 1997. INTF also collects some of the New Testament manuscripts and takes on the responsibility of cataloging the New Testament manuscripts...

Portrait damy (obraz Rogiera van der Weydena)

Portrait of a lady - painting by Rogier van der Weyden, an example of late-Gothic portrait painting in the Netherlands. The portrait was painted on oak wood with oil technique. She presents a young woman on a neutral dark background. The face of the lady's court is characterized by delicate features. The woman has sensual lips and big eyes. The sight directs downwardly forward. Her high forehead and back to back blond hair obscures a transparent pearl veil. In this elegant dark brown outfit, the gold jewelery pieces give the woman a grace that emphasizes her elegance and courtesy of the image. This image is characterized by a dynamic array of fluid diagonal lines that define not only the strong lines of the veil of the lady, but also the combination of individual parts throughout the image. One of the lines, starting at the bottom, forms the edge of the courtly cuff, and continues along the right line of the neckline. The second line marks the left part of the neckline and ...

Erwin Felix Lewy-Bertaut

Erwin Félix Lewy-Bertaut (born 1913 in Glubczyce, died November 6, 2003 in Grenoble) is a crystallographer and member of the French Academy of Sciences. He was born into a Jewish family living in Upper Silesia, his father was a teacher of classical languages ​​in a gymnasium in Głubczyce. Left studied law and philosophy at the University of Freiburg, but due to political changes in Germany he had to emigrate to France in 1933. Eventually he settled in Bordeaux. He was incorporated into the French army in 1939, which interrupted his doctoral studies. After the French defeat, he received a provisional identity card signed as Felix Bertaut. During the occupation he was first located in the south of France controlled by the Vichy Government, but then moved to Paris, where he met with the field of crystallography. Finally, he joined Professor Louis Néel's team in Grenoble. In 1949 he defended his diploma thesis on physics related to magnetism. His research has been and continues to be...


(Akashic Shamash) - In the Mesopotamian mythology, the god of the sun, the son of Nanny and the goddess Ningal, and the twin brother of Inanna. His wife was Sherida (Aja). The main temples of Utu, called E-babbar ("White House"), were located in Sippar and in Lars. He was regarded as the god of the sun, which from dawn to dusk takes a journey through the sky. Since he sees everything happening on earth, he is considered to be the god of justice, truth, and law. He was a judge on earth and in heaven (at the top of the stele of the Codex Hammurabi is presented as the god-legislator, giving the right to Hammurabi). Its symbol was the sun shield, the attribute of the saw, and the animal's horse. He was also worshiped in Phenicia Bibliography wiki


Multipurpose Mash (MKU) - Polish anti-tank mine with a cumulative charge. Mina was outdated, replaced by MPP-B face. MKU had a cylindrical body made of steel sheet. Inside the body was 5.5 kilograms of TNT, which formed a cumulative charge. One of the three fuses was screwed in Miners with PZP-MTU detonators exploded under the bottom of armored vehicles, with the MW-5P under the caterpillar. In the first case, the bottom of the hull was pierced, the second breaking of the caterpillar. In the case of the PZP-MTU, the mine was more effective but was easy to detect and destroy. That's why the MKU was replaced by MPP-B with a non-contact igniter. Bibliography wiki

Ray Huang

Ray Huang (Chinese: 黃仁宇 pinyin: Huáng Rényǔ, born June 25, 1918, January 8, 2000) is a Chinese historian. Ray Huang was an officer of the Kuomintang Army. During World War II he fought in Burma. His doctorate in Chinese history was defended in the United States at the University of Michigan. He worked with Joseph Needham. He particularly dealt with the history of China during the Ming Dynasty. He is best known for his concepts within macro-history. Publications Authoritative control (person): wiki

Plain Tissue

Romanian geographers refer to the eastern belt of the Zacisan Basin in the Great Plain of Lower Hungary, located in the present borders of Romania. The northern, western and southern borders of the region are artificial - it is the state borders of Romania with Ukraine, with Hungary and Serbia. In the east, the Tisza lowland limits the western slopes of the Eastern Carpathians, the Western Highlands and the Southern Carpathians. Rivers flowing from these mountains to the west - the left tributaries of the Tisza - divide the Tisza lowland into a number of smaller units. In the north: These plains are formed in the Late Tertiary of the Samoszi, Kereszów, Maruszy and smaller rivers. The lowland is covered with loess and fertile black soil. Its lowest point - 80 m n.p.m. - is located at the crossing of Temzeu with the Romanian-Serbian border. The Tisza delta is an important agricultural region of Romania. Bibliography wiki

David Bennent

David Bennent (born 9 September 1966 in Lausanne) is a Swiss actor. Curriculum vitae It comes from a family-related scene. His father, Heinz Bennent is an actor, also his older sister Anne works in this profession. Fluent in French and German. He studied at the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar in Vienna. He performed at prestigious European theater stages. Comédie Française. He created the best-known filmmaker in Volker Schlöndorff's tin drum, screenplay for Günter Grass's novel. In the Oscar, a boy who "did not want to grow up" in 1979, he starred in Oscar. Since he was only 12, the erotic scenes with him were aroused controversy. Authoritative control (person): wiki


Sanfordization (shrinkage, decatization) - one of the processes of finishing fabrics (eg linen, linen), which consists in passing the fabric through a suitable machine, consisting of from the heated rubber drum (on which the appropriate shrinkage of material occurs) and auxiliary equipment, straightening and stabilizing the fabric. Sanding reduces fabric stretching during normal use. The name of the process comes from the name of the inventor of the process: Sanford Lockwood Cluetta, who patented the method in the 1930s. wiki

Learning Management System

Learning Management System (LMS) - Helps to manage the training activity and competencies in the organization. From the end-user perspective, LMS provides an effective way to track individual skills and competencies, simple methods for locating training activities and registering for courses. LMS manages access to online courses for which the user has been registered. LMS facilitates the introduction, tracking, management, and reporting of training activities in an organization. The value added to LMS is a wide range of functionality. wiki

Wąwóz Chobar

Chobar Gorge - a small, narrow and shallow gorge in Nepal, originated in a place where the river Bagmati crosses Chobar Hill. The bottom of the river is Jal Binayah Mandir Temple. Legend of the rising According to Newar's legend, the Manjushri bodhisattva with his sword cut off the mountain on the shores of the lake, which had occupied the Kathmandu Valley for centuries and formed the Chobar Pass. Through this pass, the waters of the lake flowed with the snakes of the Kartotaka king, and he is still living in Lake Taudh. wiki