
Showing posts from April, 2011

Joaquín Capilla

Joaquín Capilla Pérez (born December 23, 1928 in Mexico, May 8, 2010) is a Mexican water jumper. Multiple Olympic medalist. He is considered the most outstanding Mexican water jumper ever. He made his London debut in 1948, his last appearance in Melbourne eight years later. Each time, during the three starts, he won medals (a total of four). He achieved the most success in 1956 - he won the race on the tower, and jumps from the trampoline took third place. Twice, in 1951 and 1955, he dominated the competition at the Pan American Games, earning two gold medals. Olympic Games London 1948 Helsinki 1952 Melbourne 1956 wiki

Lilija Hryhorowicz

Liliya Stepanivna Hryhorovich, Лілія Степанівна Григорович (born September 12, 1957 in Ivano-Frankivsk) is a Ukrainian politician, doctor. Curriculum vitae He graduated (1985) from the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Medicine, working as an allergist. In 1994 and 1998 she was elected deputy to the Supreme Council of the People's Movement of Ukraine. When the parliament in April 2001 voted against the vote by the Communists and the factions supporting Lemonida Kuchma, the deputy blamed petrol and tried to set fire to protest against the voting result, and the attempt was effectively foiled. In 2002 and 2006 the list of the Our Ukraine Block and the 2007 Our Ukraine-People's Samoobrona coalition again received a parliamentary mandate. In 2005 she moved from the NRU to the Viktor Yushchenko People's Union "Our Ukraine". The 2012 was not re-selected. Bibliography wiki

Erna Wallisch

Erna Wallisch (born February 10, 1922, Erna Pfannstiel in Benshausen, February 16, 2008 in Vienna) is a German SS overseer (SS-Aufseherin) at the concentration camp in Majdanek. Curriculum vitae Until 1941 she was a maid in Berlin. This year she joined the SS. She worked as a watchdog in the Ravensbrück camps and later from October 1942 to July 1944 in Majdanek. The testimony of the prisoners shows that she was one of the most sadistic guards of Majdanek. After the war ended, she settled in Vienna. It was covered by a program of help for Nazi criminals provided by the legal German Peace Aid organization. Inspected by the Simon Wiesenthal Center was investigated by the Austrian prosecutor's office in 1973, but due to the fact that Austria covered Nazi crimes (apart from murder), the prosecution did not find in Austria the investigation was discontinued. A second investigation was launched in 2006 against Wallisch in Poland, after revealing the place of residence of the SS by Wiese...

Port Royale

Port Royale - a computer game of economic strategy, published by Ascaron, whose action takes place in the 16th and 17th century Caribbean. The player assumes the role of a young sailor, whose ship is attacked on the way to the New World. The hero loses all his possessions, his family is kidnapped, and he's miraculously managed to reach the Caribbean. Game The game is largely nonlinear - only the main thread (finding the family) remains linear. In the game a lot of emphasis is put on the trade, and the market in the game governs the law of supply and demand. In addition to trading in the game you can assault enemy ships, perform missions from governors and people encountered in tavernas and explore hidden treasures. The game is played in an area covering the entire Caribbean and the east coast of America from Florida to Guiana. There are 60 cities (Havana, New Orleans, Port-au-Prince, Veracruz, and Port Royale), whose national affiliation (Spain, England, France, Netherlands)...

The Brighter Day

The Brighter Day - American soap opera. Serial, like the longest soap opera - Guiding Light - was originally broadcast on the radio, and then was transferred to the television. Radio broadcasting lasted from 1948 to 1956, while television broadcasting began in 1954 and lasted until 1962. Just like with Guiding Light, the show has been broadcast on the radio for some time on the radio. It was the first soap opera in which the Afro-american appeared on the contract. He did not play in the series for too long, because he was taken off the antenna in 1962, the same he joined the cast. wiki
Let's return to our rams (Revenons à nos moutons) - synonym: let's go back to the matter, to the topic (like Latin: ad rem). The word comes from the French farce: Farsy of Peter the Patelin of the 15th century (La Farce du Maître Pathelin). The title character is a fraudulent attorney who tricked six cloth elves from a dresser. When the victim was still robbed, he decided to pursue his case in court. He wanted the rampant thief to defend the lawyer in this court of fraud. At the trial, the dressmaker was constantly mixing the matter of the cloth and the rams, so that the judge had to constantly call him back, saying: Let's return to our rams! wiki

Rudolf Gustav Klein

Rudolf Gustav Klein (born 1921, died 29 October 1948) is a Nazi criminal, member of the concentration camp Mauthausen-Gusen and SS-Oberscharführer. Member of the Waffen-SS since February 1939. He was a member of the Gusen camp staff from February 1940. Initially, he was serving guard post in March 1942. Then from March to August 1942 Klein was a block assistant at Gusen. He was known in the camp for being abused by prisoners constantly kicking them. Many of them permanently mutilated. He also participated in the murder of ill and incapacitated prisoners in the so-called " Totbadeaktionen. Klein and the other SS men placed them under the campers, then poured ice cold water over them for a long time, bringing many of them to death in this way. Rudolf Gustav Klein was tried in the trial of Mauthausen-Gusen (US vs. Andreas Battermann et al.) before the American Military Tribunal in Dachau. He was sentenced to death by hanging. Judgment was made at the end of October 1948 in Lands...

Alodia (name)

Alodia - a feminine name, probably derived from the francophone aldo, which means "heritage, full possession". This name is also associated with the medieval Latin expression of allodium, which meant "earthly property free of burden and fief duties", and also comes from the same expression Franconian. The Alodia name day celebrates: May 3, as a memorial of Bl. Maria Leonii Paradis, whose baptismal names are Alodia of Virginia. Male equivalent: Alodius. Famous people named Alodia: wiki


Lucasfilm - American film company founded in 1971 by George Lucas, taken over by Disney in 2012. The seat of a limited liability company (Ltd) is Marin County, California. The company produced such films as the Indiana Jones series and the Star Wars series. Since 2007 he has produced the television version of this series. Lucasfilm's subsidiaries include: In 1986, Lucasfilm sold part of its production of special effects to Steve Jobs. In this way, Pixar Animations Studios was founded, producing such films as: Where is Nemo ?, Toy Story, Monsters and Company. On October 30, 2012 it was announced that the company had been purchased by The Walt Disney Company. wiki


Paragnomen - extraordinary, astounding behavior of a person (sometimes a crime), a behavior contrary to expectation, sometimes the first symptom of a mental illness. The phenomenon described for the first time by Eugeniusz Brzezicki (1890-1974), consisting in the unexpected execution of some unusual and unpredictable activity against the background of the patient's calm, peaceful behavior. Paragnomen does not determine the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease, but it can determine the safety of the patient and its environment. It usually occurs in case of sudden onset of illness. See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki

Claude Louis of Espinchal

Claude Louis d'Espinchal, Marquis de Massiac (born 1686, 1770) - French fighter and politician, lieutenant général des Armées navales, lieutenant colonel of the Order of St. Louis. Initially he commanded a garrison in Toulon. In 1758 he became the fleet minister, but remained in this post for only a few months (31 May 1758 - 31 October 1758). In this position, he did not check. Madame de Pompadour cousin M. Le Norman de Mezy stated about him: On 1 December 1758, the Minister Étienne-François de Choiseul dismissed him. René-Nicolas Berryer (1703-1762) was the Minister of the fleet and was the authorizing officer of the police (intendant général de police). Massiac became Vice Admiral and received the Order of St. Louis. Madame Gourdan married widow at the end of 1758, a widow of the navy minister, born Louise-Catherine de Magny (1698-1777). Bibliography wiki

The oldest synagogue in Bamberg

The oldest synagogue in Bamberg - the first synagogue located in Bamberg, in Germany at the corner of Judenstrasse and Unterer Kaulberg. The exact date of the founding of the synagogue is not known, but it is assumed to have been established before the 14th century. The entrance to the synagogue was in Pfahlplätzchen, which was formerly called Judenplatz and was probably the center of the former Jewish district. In 1422, Bishop Frederick III confiscated the synagogue and converted it into the Church of Our Lady. Today is the Free Church of the Free Church. wiki

The Sphinx (film studio)

The Sphinx (Warsaw Sphynx Society) is a Polish film company founded by Alexander Hertz. In the years 1911-1936 several dozens of films were produced. In 1909, Alexander Hertz and Alfred Niemirski, Józef Koerner and M. Zuker founded the Warsaw Sphynx Society. It was the representative of the French film company Société Pathé Frères. In the same year he opened a cinema called "Sfinks" on Marszałkowska street 116. In November 1909, Jan Skarbek-Malczewski filmed a flight of aeroplan for the "Sphinx" in Warsaw. In 1911, Alexander Hertz launched a film studio under the same name. The first feature film produced by Hertz's label was "Meir Ezofowicz" by Eliza Orzeszkowa's novel. After the death of Alexander Hertz in 1928, Henryk Finkelstein and Alexander's brother, Michal Hertz, were employed by the studio's management. In 1914, the 18-year-old Apolonia Chałupiec debuted in the film The Slave of the Senses, which became famous under the pse...


Schönhals (second half of 19th century), German architect. Garrison church in Toruń Garrison church in Grudziadz An architect, a secret construction superintendent in the Prussian Ministry of War Construction in the 2nd half of the 19th century. With other architects he was involved in the construction of military facilities in Berlin (barracks of the 3rd Regiment of Köpenicker Strasse (1874), Guardsmen in Lichterfelde (1881-1884) and 4th Regiment of Guards at Rathenower Strasse (1891-1893). monumental garrison churches: in Toruń, erected in 1894-1897 and in Grudziądz (1897-1900). His designs indicate that he belonged to architects who used solutions typical of the Berlin Neo-Gothic in the late nineteenth century and, contrary to popular belief, in no specific way to the medieval construction of the Teutonic Order. Bibliography wiki

Weronika Narmontowicz

Weronika Narmontowicz CSFN, sister of Maria Boromea (born 18 December 1916 in Wiercieliszki (Grodno region), died August 1, 1943 under Nowogrodek) - Polish sister of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth, blessed Catholic Church. December 24, 1936, she entered the novitiate in Grodno and after three years she made religious vows. She began her ministry in Nowogrodek and there she was found by the Soviet occupation. After the Germans entered the city, she gave her life for the inhabitants of the city and was executed along with 10 other religious sisters. It was beatified by Pope John Paul II on March 5, 2000 in the group of 11 martyrs from Nowogrodek. Internet sources wiki

Family allowance

Family allowance - an allowance to cover part of your childcare expenses. The rules governing the determination of allowances and the payment of family allowances are governed by the Family Benefits Act of 28 November 2003. eligible The family allowance is: Family allowance is available to children Amount of benefits The amount of family allowance depends on the age of the child and from 1 January 2016 is: Family allowances (subject to the conditions set forth in the Family Benefits Act of 28 November 2003) are subject to family allowances. Bibliography wiki

Swab ticking

Tikken The course and goal of the game The course of the game is simple: the deep hole is filled with a lot of mud, feathers and other debris. Participants (no rules do not quantify them) are blindfolded, and then they have to crawl into the hole. Then the pig enters the hole and the participant's task is to pat her while swimming in the mud and feathers. The participant who is the first to slap a pig is announced as the winner. The game is played mainly in the east of the country where the real championships are organized (Open Nederlands kampioenschap zwitie tikken in Luttenberg). Fun is always a big spectacle, even one of the provincial TV stations. The game is organized annually. At a market in Luttenberg village. Some active animal rights advocates consider the "tinker" game to be a harmful animal, as the pig involved in the game is brought into the role of a toy. wiki

Silesian newspaper

Schlesische Zeitung - the oldest and longest published newspaper in Wrocław, existed between 1742 and 1944. The newspaper was published by the Johann Jacob Korn from 1742, initially under the title "Schlesische Privilegierte Staats-, Kriegs- und Friedenzeitung", later in 1766 Schlesische Privilegierte Zeitung, finally in 1848 transformed into Schlesische Zeitung. Fryderyk II issued the consent for the issue. In the first period of existence, the newspaper appeared 3 times a week, had 8 small pages, published state announcements, Silesian and foreign news. From 1828, she went out every day except Sunday, and from 1881 she was issued three times a day (no Sunday) and later 13 days in a six-day week. At the same time, there was a gradual increase in format, and more and more in the content were social messages, crime and crime stories from the region and cultural news. From 1848, publicity texts were printed. Schlesische Zeitung also had theme additions, including Gelehrte...

Jonas Jučas

Jonas Jučas (born June 11, 1952 in Kaunas) is a Lithuanian politician, musician, musicologist, cultural activist, social and self-government activist, and Minister of Culture from the Government of Gediminas Kirkilas from 2006 to 2008. Curriculum vitae Between 1970 and 1972 he studied at the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. In 1976 he completed his studies in music theory and composition at the Academy of Music. Juozasa Gruodisa in Kaunas. In 1982 he graduated from the Lithuanian State Conservatory with a specialization in cultural education and choir conducting. Since the late 1960s he has directed amateur artistic groups. In the 70s he worked as the head of the music section at the Kaunas State Puppet Theater and as an administrative manager at the Lithuanian State Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Kaunas Philharmonic. From 1977 he was employed as a teacher and then as an assistant at the Kaunas branch of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and as a member of the examination committee ...

Continuing education

Continuing education - the process of constant renewal, development and improvement of general and occupational qualifications of an individual throughout his or her life. This is an adult term for lifelong learning, understood as a whole, of cognitive activities undertaken during life with the purpose of enhancing knowledge, skills or qualifications (for personal, social or professional reasons). Learning can take place by participating in: and also by: Continuing education can be a matter for an individual unit (improving his / her own initiative and at his own expense), or can be designed, organized and financed by the employer. In that case, lifelong learning is part of organizational learning. The development of lifelong learning in Europe is one of the objectives of the European Social Fund. Thanks to the Structural Funds, numerous projects are being implemented to: In the academic world, special education units, such as lifelong learning centers, university extens...

Parkridge Holdings

Parkridge Holdings is a British real estate development and investment company, operating in all segments of the real estate market. The Parkridge Group is involved in the construction and management of storage facilities, office and retail centers as well as residential buildings. The company operates in several countries such as France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Russia, the United Kingdom and Italy. Parkridge specializes in the adaptation of old industrial facilities to modern shopping and entertainment centers. Holding structure A holding consists of several entities: Activity in Poland In Poland, Parkridge Retail CE operates. The company deals with the construction and management of shopping centers. These are objects such as: These objects are mostly in the design or construction phase. Also in Bialystok, the plot on which Focus Mall is to be built belongs to the city and it is not known who will be finally sold. Part of shopping centers already works. In Septemb...

Monument of AK soldiers in Naleczow

Monument in the Forest Factory - a monument commemorating the fallen AK soldiers from the branch of Satan, located on the edge of the Company Forest, on the scouting field in the suburbs of Nałęczów. Monument was taken in "adoption" by the youth of the public junior high school in Nałęczów The purpose of "adoption" is the focus and interest of a large group of junior high school students around the joint action. During the hours of education and history lessons students learn the history of AK soldiers fighting in the vicinity of Nałęczów. The story of the battle of Tadeusz Orłowski's division. Satan It was 1945, the war ended, but it did not mean peace. Soldiers (including those dedicated to the monument) continued to fight to prevent the Russians from taking over completely. On May 19, a unit of "Satan" - Tadeusz Orłowski - consisting of 30 soldiers, began operation on Sunday. At night, they successfully attacked the railway station in Nałęczów...

Battle of Lelow

Knights between the years 1300-1350 Battle of Lelow - took place in July 1345 during the Polish-Czech war on Silesia. According to the Wloclawek Spots, during the siege of Cracow defended by King Casimir the Great, Jan Luksemburski sent armed troops to destroy the north-western slopes of Cracow. The Czechs reached Lelów, where in the vicinity of the village of Biała were attacked by Polish knights assisted by the Hungarians. The Czech forces were surprised and completely disintegrated, and in the hands of the Poles a great spoil was struck. Literature wiki


Betab-500SzP (Russian БетАБ-500ШП) - Soviet anti-aircraft bomb to 500 kg. The BetAB-500SzP can be equipped with a low-level parachute drop (the discharge is only possible at subsonic speeds). Parachute not only brakes the bomb, but additionally provides a vertical impact on the target which increases the penetration. When the parachute decelerates, it is discarded and the rocket engine is launched, with nozzles disposed around the parachute container, accelerating the bomb. The bomb explodes deep below the surface. In the case of attacks on runways, the surface of the belt destroyed by one bomb is approximately 50 m² (wheel with a radius of 7 m). The successor to the Betab-500SzP is the new Betab-500U. Bibliography wiki

Gersz Rotlewi

Gleb Rotlewi, also known as Hersz Rotlewi or George Rotlevi, (born 1889, died 1920) - Polish chess champion. He came from a Jewish family from Lodz, but lived in Hamburg for a long time. He met with top chess players of his era: Akiba Rubinstein, Alexander Alechin, Richard Teichmann, defeating. Frank Marshall in Karlsbad in 1911. He also played two matches with Henry Salwe: lost 7½ - 10½ in 1909 and won 6-4 in 1910. His greatest success was second place (behind Alexander Alechin) in the All Russia Rivalry in St. Petersburg in 1909 and won In the tournament in Hamburg in 1910. In 1907 in Lodz he played with Akiba Rubinstein one of the most famous parties in the history of chess - playing white surrendered after 26 moves. For health reasons (anxiety disorder) he was forced to withdraw from the tournament. He was friends with the German writer Ernst Jünger, who described him in his memoirs. He died at the age of 31. wiki

Apache Commons

Apache Commons - The Apache Software Foundation, which develops Java programming libraries for a specific purpose, such as logging in or writing a comma-delimited email. Categories of libraries The libraries belonging to the Apache Commons are divided into three categories: Commons Proper The most mature and stable library. Their API should not change. They are created to minimize the number of bindings they depend on. Commons Sandbox Where to add and develop new libraries. If they achieve an adequate level of stability, they are added to the Proper section. Commons Dormant The work on these libraries has been almost completely or completely suspended. wiki


Enamins - Amines where the amino group (NR / 3; R = alkyl or hydrogen) is attached directly to the carbon atom bonded to the other carbon atom. The first (C = C-NH2) and the secondary (C = C-NR2) primary epnines are inherently unstable and can not be obtained purely because they undergo a self- Tertiary Enamins (C = C-NR2) are durable. They are obtained in the same reaction as the imine, ie by the amination of ketones and aldehydes with secondary amine: Tertiary Enamins were first received by Gilbert Stork in 1954. These compounds are used in organic synthesis for the alkylation and acetylation of aldehydes and ketones. wiki

Ceiling Klein

Voivodship road no. 341 (DW341) - a voivodeship road running entirely through the Lower Silesian Voivodship with a length of approximately 33 km. It connects Lubiąż, Brzeg Dolny with the village of Pęgów. Locations near the DW341 route is formed by cement bridging with cement mortar; The reinforcement is placed at the bottom of the welds. The plates are based on the lower beams of the beams. Depending on the arrangement of the bricks in the plate, Klein's ceilings are differentiated with boards of the following type: The spacing of the beams is usually 1.2-1.8 m. Before the shuttering, the beams should be wrapped with Rabitza or Ledóchowski's mesh to ensure the adhesion of the floor plaster. Klein's ceiling was invented at the beginning of the 20th century. It is rarely used today. For a span of more than 5.0 m it exhibits quite large deflections. In Klein's construction also door lintels and window lintels are used in masonry buildings. Ceiling Klein Bibliogr...


Neo-Christianity, neo-Christianity, neo-Christianism - a modern term used in relation to parts of Christian families of religious associations which, beyond the application of the teachings of Jesus Christ, have extended their (or reinterpreted) beliefs to additional ideology (assuming The most indigenous character of Christianity was in the 1st and 4th centuries, or expanded to include other beliefs (usually ethnic ones encountered during Christianity's expansion). Neo-Christianity, unlike the analogy of neo-paganism, is not a social phenomenon that is a return to the original ideas of a given belief system. wiki

My name is Zymomrya

Mykola Zymomrya (Mykola Zymomria, Микола Іванович Зимомря, born November 30, 1946) - prof. zw. germanist, professor at the Baltic School of Humanities in Koszalin, head of the Department of Translation at the Polonia Academy in Czestochowa. Honorary Member of the European Association for Security (Ukraine). Participant in the International Interdisciplinary Conference "Tradition and Universiade", the TSN "Education of Tomorrow", Translation Conference "Tabu in Translation" - Translating Committee of the International Slavic Committee. Research works in the field of social communication including the factors of reception of a message in a foreign language at the level of its interpretation and translation into the language of goals, contexts of functioning of education systems. Translates Ukrainian literature into Polish and German. He is the publisher of Dmytra Pawlyczki's poetry collection - written in Ukrainian and German - "Kuib y tpabni...

Corinth (Tatra Mountains)

Corridor - side, orographically left tributary of the Tavola Valley in the Slovakian Western Tatras. It is located between the ridges of the Extreme Szyndlow which separates the Rohacka Valley from the Tula Valley and Zadnia Szyndlowca - the lateral branch of the northwestern Rakonia ridge. Coriander is a narrow basin, falling from a height of about 1500 m n.p.m. The level is about 1115 m. It is completely forested with spruce forest. It flows from the Front of the Zabratu, a stream that goes down to the Latte Stream just above the outlet of the Olive Valley. Bibliography wiki

Maria Hirszowicz

Maria Hirszowicz, born in Bielińska (born 11 July 1925 in Sochaczew, died July 3, 2007 in Paris) is a Polish political sociologist, author of numerous scientific publications, wife of the historian Łukasz Hirszowicz. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Warsaw. Released by the Minister of Higher Education in March 1968 for defending students involved in the democratic movement along with Bronisław Baczka, Zygmunt Bauman, Włodzimierz Brus, Leszek Kołakowski and Stefan Morawski. In 1970 she traveled with her husband to the United Kingdom, where she worked as a docent at the University of Reading. She was the founding sponsor of the Prize. Łukasz Hirszowicz awarded by the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. In 2002, Maria Hirszowicz's book - Traps of Engagement. Intellectuals in the service of communism were awarded the Special Prize of the Polityka weekly. Selected bibliography wiki

An evergreen party

Evergreen game - a chess game played in 1852 between Adolf Anderssen and Jean Dufresne. Adolf Anderssen was one of the best players of his time, and after winning the London Chess Tournament in 1851 many recognized him as a world champion. Jean Dufresne was a popular chess author. His chess skills were slightly lower but still very high. It was a social meeting, as was the "immortal party". Wilhelm Steinitz described her as "eternal in the laurel wreath of Anderssen" and this name was accepted. Party run White: Adolf Anderssen Black: Jean Dufresne Opening: Gambit Evans 1. e4 e5 2. Sf3 Sc6 3. Gc4 Gc5 4. b4!? Gambit Evans, popular chess opening in the nineteenth century. White devotees the Pawn to gain an advantage in the development of the figures. 4. ... G: b4 5. c3 Ga5 6. d4 e: d4? This is not the best answer. Better is d7-d6. 7.O-O d3!? Only move! 8. Hb3!? Instantaneous pawn attack on f7. Burgess advises We1. 8. ... Hf6 9. e5 Hg6 Black can n...
Pain threshold - the acoustic pressure at which the pain of the ear is felt. It is slightly dependent on frequency and is 140 dB for sinusoidal sounds and 120 dB for noise. The pain is caused by the reaction of the eardrum and the middle ear to high acoustic pressure (high amplitude of vibration). This response is intended to protect your hearing aid against possible damage. Pain is overwhelming, so a long-range sonic device that emits sounds that exceed the pain threshold is used. by cleaning services, like water cannons. wiki


Popová (also Vernárske sedlo; 1055 m) is a mountain pass in the Western Carpathians, forming the boundary between the Lower Tatras in the west and the Slovak Paradise in the east. It is located less than 1 km east of the hill of the same name (1099 m) in a ridge descending from the top of Predná hoľa (1545 m). The geomorphological boundary between these mountain ranges also runs west of the pass. On a pass from the north of Poprad, through Vernár, there is an important road that goes just south of it in a place called Pusté Pole, dividing it in two directions: east to Dobszyny and southwest to Red Rock. The old road from Vernáru led further west: the valley below Barbolica (1013 m), near the Potoky lodge, the Hnilec Pass (1021 m) and from there sloping down the Pusté Pole. Bibliography wiki

Aleksander Rozenfeld

Aleksander Rozenfeld (born June 30, 1941 in Tambów) is a Polish poet and journalist of Jewish descent, a journalist from the Polish newspaper Gazeta Polska. He was born in Tambov in the Soviet Union, where during his Second World War his parents Adam and Elisabeth were from the Nissenbaum house. He lived and worked in Lublin for many years. In the years 1980-1981 employee of the NSZZ "Solidarność", in the years 1982-1987 on the emigration of his own choice. He lived in Israel, from where he returned to Poland through Rome. In Western Europe, he expected the restoration of Polish citizenship. On his return he settled in Złotów in Wielkopolska. Between 1996 and 2001 he worked as an advisor in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland. He issued, among others. Poems at the end of the century, poetry about the town of Złotów and some other poems, Bzyk - poems not for children, Szmoncesy and Tales of the Jewish Forest. wiki

Red and Anarchist Skinheads

Red and Anarchist Skinheads, RASH (Anarchist Skinheads), and the Anarchist Skinheads. The first left skinheads (skini) appeared at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, when the skinhead subculture began to be unambiguously identified with racism and nationalism. Until then, the skinians did not declare themselves politically, and in a single culture there were people of different views. The extreme right began to exploit the economic crisis to promote chauvinistic and racist slogans, gaining many supporters especially among football fans. According to them, the recipe for reducing unemployment was the expulsion of immigrants who were willingly accepted in the face of a lack of hands a few years ago. In this state of affairs, some of the people who have identified with the skinhead culture, having a leftist worldview, have decided to create their own motion. The beginning was given by bands such as Angelic Upstarts, The Redskins, Red Alert, Red London. The idea of ​​creating a left-hand...

Nikolai Milutin (Russian politician)

Nikolai Alexeyevich Milutin (born June 6, 1818 in Moscow, d. 26 January 1872) - Russian politician, Secretary of State for the Kingdom of Poland 1864-1866, member of the Decorating Committee Dmitry's brother (1816-1912), war minister, and Vladimir Alexeyevich Milutin (1826-1855), economist, journalist and social activist. The author of the Enforcement Reform in the Russian Empire in 1861, was co-author of the Enforcement Reform in the Kingdom of Poland of 1864. Bibliography wiki

Silver and black

Silver and black - the poetry of Jan Lechonia published in 1924. Silver and black are the second and last volume of poetry published by Lechonia in the interwar period. The collection differs considerably from the previous volume Crimson Poem. He takes motives such as loneliness, love, death, the tragedy of human life, existential anxiety, nostalgia, pessimism. Poems are written in traditional thirteen-syllables. The volume includes. The Seven Deadly Sins cycle. Tom was released in Warsaw by the Publishing Association "Ignis". In 1925 he received the prize of the Polish Society of Book Publishers. The collection was resumed in 1928. Bibliography wiki

Anna Wasilszczykowa

Anna Wasilszczykowa - the fifth wife of Ivan IV of the Terrible. The wedding of Ivan IV the Terrible and his bridegroom Anna took place in a narrow circle. Among the guests were twenty members of the Kleptywie family. After the wedding the fate of the families of Kleptyczew and Wasilczikovs was intertwined. After a few months, Anne's brothers and cousins ​​sent money to Troicy, paying for the souls of their mourners. When the tsar learned that his own wife was also her favorite, he told him to cut his head. Three days after this incident Anna joined the monastery to the former wife of the Czar - Anna Kołtowska. wiki
Kurt Knispel (born September 20, 1921 in Salisov (Czechoslovakia)), died April 28, 1945 in Moravian municipality Vrbovec near Znojmo (Lower Reich District) - German military commander, armored. One of the best tanks of World War II, during which he became famous for the destruction of 168 enemy tanks. Curriculum vitae In 1940 he joined the armored forces. Then he underwent intensive training in the training battalion in Żagań in Lower Silesia, where he had the opportunity to familiarize himself with the constructions of the German tanks PzKpfw I, PzKpfw II and PzKpfw IV. In October 1940, he began service in the 12th Armored Division, where as a beginner the armor was superior in skill. In 1941 he participated in Operation Barbarossa and heavy fighting with Soviet troops on the Eastern Front. By January 1943 he was a gunner for the PzKpfw IV tank under the command of Lieutenant Hellman. The greatest success of the war was achieved by sighting and then by the commander of the PzKpfw ...

Andrzej Lipski (MP)

Andrzej Lipski (born 1 July 1954 in Warsaw, died 21 July 1996) is a Polish politician, historian and Member of Parliament for the second term of office. Curriculum vitae He completed his studies at the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw, and then obtained a doctorate degree in humanities. He worked as an academic teacher. In 1993 he became a Member of the 2nd term elected from the list of the nationwide Democratic Left Alliance. He was active in the Polish Socialist Party. From 1993 to 1996 he chaired the Central Executive Committee of the PPS. March 10, 1994 with Piotr Ikonowicz and Caesar Mizejewski joined the PPS Parliamentary Circle. He died during the term of office. President Aleksander Kwasniewski posthumously awarded him the Golden Cross of Merit in the same year. He is buried at the Powązki Military Cemetery. Bibliography wiki

Cieszyn Strzeleckie Association

Cieszyn Strzeleckie Association - the oldest and longest acting association in Cieszyn Silesia. It was founded in 1795 and its founders were Peter Bianchi, Ignatz Chromy, Franz Slepitschek and Johann Rothe; Bianchi and Chromy were the first bosses of the association. On April 24, 1796, the Cieszyn Society organized the first public shooting competitions. In 1798, Emperor Francis II allowed the association to organize an eight-day "royal shooting" every year. In 1800, the Russian Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov was on the list of members of the Society. At that time, he was passing through Cieszyn. The members of the Society were also Ferdinand d'Este and Albert Sasko-Cieszyński. From about 1850 up to the Cieszyn Strzelecki Society there were about 500 people. Bibliography wiki

Joe Barr

Joe Barr (born October 19, 1944, died July 11, 2008) is an American writer, editor and programmer. Barr worked as a programmer starting with microcomputers like TRS-80 Model I, ending with IBM's DASD morphs. As a writer, he gained fame with books written specifically for computers, support, first steps, etc. Barr began writing about personal computers in 1994, primarily Linux and Open Source. In 2001 he was awarded the silver medal for the best commentary on the article on Linux. In the last few years he has worked in the OSTG, where he wrote articles, columns and commentaries on NewsForge and His first book was published in 2007. wiki

And the Prussian uprising

And the Prussian uprising broke out in the spring of 1242. The cause of unrest was the defeat of the combined forces of the Teutonic Order and the sword cavalry in the battle with the Russian troops on Lake Pejpus. At the news about the Teutonic defeat, Świętopełk II started fighting for the Vistula. He took the duty from the ships of the Order, took German ships on the Vistula, and later stopped all shipping, which cut the castles of the Teutonic Order. The Western tribes of Prussia have renounced Christianity. The Teutonic Knights were expelled from most cities. The Prussians achieved the greatest success in the summer of 1243 in the Battle of the nearby Grudziądz, where they broke the Teutonic army. The Teutonic Knights maintained only strongholds: Elblag and Balga on the coast; Radzyń, Chełmno and Toruń on Chełmno land. The greatest success of the Teutonic Knights in this uprising was the victory in the Battle of Dzierzgon in 1248, which resulted in the signing of the Dzierzgon...

ICF team

ICF (Immune Deficiency Syndrome - centromeric region instability, facial anomalies syndrome, ICF) - a rare genetic disorder with autosomal recessive inheritance, characterized by primary immunodeficiency despite current lymphocytes B, characteristic rearrangements in chromosome 1, 16, and sometimes 9 (presence of ytterbic acid), mild facial dysmorphism, delayed growth, IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE serum levels are low. Recurrent infections occur during infancy. In most patients, the disease is caused by mutations in the DNMT3B gene. To date, about 50 cases have been reported. Bibliography See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki

Bridge of the Archbishopric

View of the bridge from the Boulevard Tournelle Pont de l'Archeje (Bridge of the Archbishop) - A bridge connecting the 4 and 5 parishes of Paris, between the boulevards of Montebello and Tournelle, passing through the Île de la Cité. It is the narrowest bridge in Paris, erected in 1828 according to the design of Plouard engineer. Built of wood and stone, it is a bridge based on three low arches, its dimensions are 68 meters long and 17 widths, of which 11 are for pedestrian traffic. The small capacity of sailing under the bridge made the decision to demolish it in 1910 and replace it with a more modern construction that never came into being. Bibliography wiki

Ukrainian Red Cross

Ukrainian Red Cross (Ukrainian: Український Червоний Хрест, Ukrainian Red Cross Chrest) is a Ukrainian branch of the International Red Cross, formed in April 1918 at the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Doctor's Convention in Kiev, based on the local circles of the Russian Red Cross. The main organizers were J. Łukasewycz and W. Matiuszenko. UCzCh has worked with the ICC International Committee in Geneva, represented by Julijan Baczynskiy. Representatives of the UCU also worked in Vienna (A. Okopenko), Belgrade (Dmytro Doroshenko), Italy and several other countries. After the collapse of both states, Ukrainian UCSChs were active in emigration, but did not belong to the ICC. Local circles were taken over by the Soviet Red Cross. In the 1930s, a charity was set up in the United States to help Ukrainian political prisoners in Poland and the USSR. It was called the Ukrainian Golden Cross (UZCh). August 30, 1941, UC Berkeley resumed its activity, its chairman was Dr Leonid Kurczab...

Battle of Abaran

The Battle of Abaran (Բաշ Աբարանի ճակատամարտ) was fought at Abaran (Bashar Abaran) on May 21-23, 1918, between Volunteer Armenian units belonging to the Russian army and the Ottoman army during the Caucasus Campaign during the First World War. > On May 21, 1918, the Turks attacked the heavily-occupied Armenians of the Abaran region and for three days continuously attacked. However, the decisive defense of the Armenians, commanded by Drastamata Kanajana, forced the Turkish army to retreat. The victory of the volunteers made possible the emergence of the Democratic Republic of Armenia. wiki

Joanna Szafruga-Sypniewska

Joanna Szafruga-Sypniewska (born June 22, 1959 in Tarnowskie Góry) - Polish politician, Member of Parliament for the second term of office. Curriculum vitae In 1983 she graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Transport and Services of the University of Economics in Katowice. She worked as a chief accountant. In the years 1993-1997 she was a member of the second term from the list of the Democratic Union, elected in the Gliwice district. She was unsuccessful in the 1997 and 2001 parliamentary elections for the Union of Freedom. From 1998 to 2002 she served as councilor of the Tarnow District (she successfully applied for a renewed mandate in 2002 and 2006 from the local committee). She has been involved in advisory and information services for businesses. She was a consultant of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy. In 2014 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Bibliography ...

Mikołaj Bogoria Skotnicki

Mikolaj Bogoria of the Bogoria coat of arms (the end of the 12th century) - prototype of the Bogorowie family, comrade, close associate of Prince Casimir the Righteous. Owner of extensive goods in Sandomierz and Podkarpacie. Founder and donor of the Cistercian monastery in Koprzywnica, where in 1185 a group of 24 monks from the French Morimond abbey was brought in. Komes Mikolaj donated part of the estate in the vicinity of Sandomierz, Podkarpacie (Jasło) and Cracow Łęg. Nicholas' activity was in the colonial-cultural policy of Casimir the Righteous, with the participation of the Cistercians, as well as in the distribution of the cult of Saint Stanislaus in Poland at that time. Florian. Bibliography wiki

Officer's school ROA

The ROA Officer School The school was established in Münsingen on the basis of training courses of junior officers at the 1st ROA Division, formed in November 1944. It was headed by Col. Samuil T. Kojd, then General Vladimir G. Azberg, and finally by General Mikhail A. Meander. . The chief of staff was Colonel Klimov. In January 1945, a "school for commanders of the Eastern nations" was established, headed by Colonel Kisielew. The staff of the ROA officer school was divided into a training unit, an economic unit with an economic company and a sanitary department. Within the school there was an artillery battery equipped with 75 mm guns and mortars. There were 60 officers, including 6 colonels, 5 lieutenants, 4 major and a captain, and 120 NCOs and service personnel. At the end of the war there were 2 courses: Bibliography wiki

Polar Electro

Polar heart rate monitor with heart band Polar Electro (commonly Polar) - manufacturer of pulse counters used in various sports. The factory is located in Kempele, Finland. Device capabilities The most technologically advanced are the Polar models used in cycling. In addition to cardiac measurements, the device records the profile of the route traveled, the speed graph (additional chip needed on the fork), the ambient temperature, the cadence diagram (additional chip needed in the area around the left crank); There is also the possibility to connect a device measuring the power of the competitor (based on the vibration of the chain). All data can be downloaded to the computer (infrared) and analyzed in Polar Precision Performance. All data is also available at work, during training. In addition, Polar's heart rate monitors are used in all other strengths. Polar a GPS At the turn of 2007/2008, Polar introduced the RS800G3 and the G3 GPS sensor based on the SIRF III technolog...


National road 310 (Bundesstraße 310, B 310) - German national road running from the intersection with B308 in Oberjoch to the junction with B16 in Füssen in southern Bavaria. European Routes The road between the intersection with the B309 near Oy-Mittelberg and the junction in Weißbach runs jointly with the B309 and is part of the European route E532 (about 9 km). living at the Youth Center im. Henry Jordan. He took place on 23 - 25 October, at the Youth Cultural Center in Mikolajska Street. There were about twenty performers and a hundred spectators. With growing interest, since 1984 the venue of the festival has become a club Rotunda (with time they also began in the halls TS "Wisla" and KS "Korona"). At that time there were also three categories of competition - classic shaman, author song, contemporary interpretation of sailing song. The international character "Shanties" gained three years later; from the United Kingdom (eg Stan Hugill), ...

Willi Fischer

Willi Fischer (born March 14, 1913, died September 19, 1947) - captain in concentration camps Majdanek and Kaufering II (KL Dachau sub-camp). In 1943 Buchenwald was placed as a prisoner of war. He stayed there for seven months and was then transferred to Majdanek, where he was capo. In February 1944 Fischer was sent to Dachau. He served as capo in the Kaufering II ashore until the evacuation in April 1945. He wore his prisoners. During the death march of Kaufering, Fischer received an SS escort and weapon. He shot several prisoners unable to continue. Convicted by the US Military Court in Dachau in the US vs. US trials. Willi Fischer and others. The trial took place between February 26 - March 6, 1947, and five former members of the KL Dachau staff were on the bench. Willi Fischer was sentenced to death by hanging and executed on 19 September 1947 in the Landsberg prison. Bibliography wiki

Gottlieb Biermann (1828-1901)

Gottlieb Biermann (born 12 April 1828 in Bratislava, died 10 January 1901 in Prague) is a German historian and teacher. He studied theology and pedagogy in Bratislava and later also in history, geography, German philology and history at the University of Vienna. From 1856 he worked as a teacher in Cieszyn, since 1872 he was the director of that junior high school. In 1873 he was transferred to Prague, where he became the headmaster of the junior high school. Selected publications Bibliography wiki

Deposit money

Deposit money (cash, cash, cashless) - a form of symbolic money, in the form of a bank statement payable on demand, meaning receipt of receivables or settlement of liabilities by account holders. Non-cash money is activated by transferring payments from one customer account to another account within one or more banks. The basis for the operation of non-cash money is the original deposit (that is, from the own funds of the account holder) or the secondary deposit (derived from the loan). Bibliography wiki
Stefan Janusiewicz (born August 14, 1933, September 11, 2007) is a Polish journalist, columnist and editor-in-chief of "Głos Szczeciński" and the Szczecin branch of Polish Television in 1982-1986. He started his journalistic career in "Kurier Szczeciński", a journalist and head of propaganda of the Provincial Committee of the PZPR in Szczecin. He wrote for "Tribune Ludu" and a local supplement to Gazeta Wyborcza. After death, buried in the Central Cemetery in Szczecin (quarters 46 B). Bibliography wiki

Rabeh Kebir

Rabah Kebir (Arabic: رابح كبير) is an Algerian politician, an Islamist. One of the creators and leaders (along with Abbassi Madanim and Ali Belhadjem) of the fundamentalist political group Islamic Salvation Front (FIS). Most of the civil war of the nineties Rabah Kebir spent emigration in Germany, actively participating in political activities to recognize the Algerian government's election results of 1991. He returned to the country in 2006, after the amnesty authorities announced. wiki

Synagogue in Peki'in

Interior of the synagogue One of the stone tablets Synagogue in Peki'in (Hebrew: בית הכנסת העתיק של פקיעין) - synagogue located in Peki'in, northern Israel. The synagogue was built in 1873, probably on the site of earlier Barbarian Jochai from around the 3rd and 4th centuries. According to local tradition, the synagogue was built on the site of Beit Ha-Midrash Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah, who lived in the 2nd century. In 1926 and 1930, two stone tablets from the Second Temple were found there. On the first there are images of menorahs, shofar and lulavas, and on the other a gate with columns on the sides, which probably symbolizes the gate to the Holy of Holies. In 1955 the building was repaired from the Israeli Ministry of Religion. The synagogue is currently closed, but you can explore it. wiki

549 Division of the Grenadier People

549th Grenadier Division (549th Volks-Grenadier Division) - one of the German divisions of the Grenadier Division. Created in October 1944 by the transformation of the 549th Grenadier Division as a 32nd Mobilization Division. It was mainly occupied by XXVII Army Corps (4th Army) and XXVI Army Corps (3rd Armored Corps), fighting in the composition of the Army Group Center and the Vistula River in East Prussia, West and near Szczecin. The division was captured by the Americans. Ingredients: wiki

Wojciech Kikowski

Wojciech Włodzimierz Kikowski (born January 29, 1948) is a trainer of the Paralympic Athletic Club of Athens 2004, a member of the Polish Paralympic Committee (2004). He has prepared a special training program for disabled Marek Meli, who with poles and physicist Mark Kaminski athlete trainer in the sports club "POGOŃ" in Zduńska Wola. She lives in Zduńska Wola. Trainer of the Year 2007. Graduates of the athletes who won 30 seats for Poland at the 2008 Paralympic Games. Member of the Polish National Team for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. wiki

GRES-2 power plant

GRES-2 power plant GRES-2 power plant - a thermal power station located in Jekybastuz, Kazakhstan. It was built in 1987. The installed capacity of the power plant is 1000 MW. It has the highest chimney in the world measuring 419.7 meters tall, which is 39.7 m higher than the Inco Superstack chimney. The power plant is the starting point of the Jekybastuz-Kokczetaw power line, constructed for the world's highest 1150 kV transmission voltage. Technical data The power plant was planned for 4000 MW using 8 identical units of 500 MWe each. Block 1 was launched in December 1990. Block 2 was launched in December 1993. Block 3 was started in 1990 but was not completed. wiki

Battle of the Altai

Battle of Alta - Battle of 10th century between the troops of Jaroslaw the Wise and the troops of his brother Świętopełla According to the chronicle of Nestor after leaving at the end of 1018 from Kiev Bolesław Chrobry, Świętopełk felt threatened. In the north Rusi Jaroslaw Mundra gathered great armies and was assisted by Nowogrod and Wareg who prepared for the final hearing with his brother. Świętopełk returned without fighting Kiev and fled to Pieczyngów. He returned to the throne of Kiev in 1019, leading the great army composed mainly of the Pieczyng. On the Altana River (tributary of Trubieza), in the summer of 1019, Jarosław Mądry won the battle of Świętopełk once again. The defeated prince fled again to Poland, and to Brest on the Bug, counting on the favor of his father-in-law Boleslaw Chrobry. Bibliography wiki


18th-century illustration depicting a family consisting of an Indian mother, an African father and their child (on hand) - a representative of Zamboja Zambo (Spanish: lobo, also pejoratively sambo) - a negative term for a person from ancestry of a black race and other races (especially indigenous peoples such as Indians) This word is probably of African origin, perhaps from Congolese nzambu - "monkey". In English, sambo is considered as more or less offensive than nigger, as a result of which the United States has introduced regulations prohibiting use in public (eg in restaurants). In South America, zambo is a significant group of people. According to various estimates, they represent 5 to 20% of the population of Colombia and about 10% of Ecuador. Bibliography wiki


Lavasoft AB - a company that manufactures security software for computers. Its flagship product is Ad-Aware, which is available as a free version (Free Antivirus +) as well as paid versions: Personal, Pro, Total, and Business. Lavasoft was founded in Germany in 1999 by the creator of Ad-Adware, Nicolas Stark. Since 2002 Lavasoft has headquartered in Sweden, in Gothenburg. Lavasoft is a privately owned company with 4000 employees in over 120 countries. It is currently run by the chairman of the board of Jason King; Previous CEOs: Ann-Christine Åkerlund and Nicolas Stark are still collaborators. products Bibliography wiki

Iwona Okrzesik-Kotajny

Iwona Okrzesik-Kotajny, 2012 Iwona Maria Okrzesik-Kotajny (born June 22, 1972 in Żywiec) is a Polish archer, Olympic athlete from Barcelona. The daughter of Tadeusz and Anna (from Lach). In the years 1985-1993 she belonged to the sports club Łucznik Żywiec. Her trainers were Krzysztof Pituła and Jan Lach. In 1992 she graduated from the Agricultural School in Milowka. She married Tomasz Kotajny. They have a son: Kacper. He works as a clerk and lives in Zywiec. Sport achievements Bibliography wiki

Wood species

The 16th Annual Olympic Games (officially the 16th Olympics) took place in Melbourne in 1956 and the hippo competition in Stockholm, Sweden. For the first time the Olympic Games took place on the Australian continent. Due to political turmoil, many countries have resigned from sending their representations: Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland - as opposed to the invasion of the Soviet Union to Hungary, Egypt, Iraq and Libya due to the Suez crisis, and the People's Republic of China in protest against the participation in the Games Taiwan team. Because of the inverted seasons in the southern hemisphere, the Games began only in November (the latest in history), and due to the long distances and transport difficulties (a long period of animal quarantine in Australia), horse riding competitions were held in Stockholm half a year earlier. East and West Germany have played in the joint German team under the Olympic flag. For the first time the closing ceremony of the Games took plac...

Ugo Spirito

Ugo Spirito (born 9 September 1896 in Arezzo, died in 1979 in Rome) is an Italian philosopher and economist. From 1932 to 1935 he was a professor of corporate economics and policy at the University of Pisa, then at the Messina and Genoa Philosophy, and in the years 1937-1966 in Rome. He was a pupil of Giovanni Gentile, but he departed from his idealism up to the concept of the so-called. problematic and then to the system, which he himself defined as omniscient. As an economist he was one of the principal theoreticians of the fascist economy. Ugo Spirita's change of philosophical views was to a certain extent related to the defeat of Fascist Italy in the Second World War, but he considered Gentile to be the student's last, but denied that at any point in his life Gentile truly supported Fascism. was rather the main creator of fascism. Spirito never hid the fact that he was a fascist. However, he repeatedly opposed mainstream fascist ideas - for example, in 1932 at the congres...

Carl Alvar Wirtanen

Carl Alvar Wirtanen (born November 11, 1910 in Kenosha, March 7, 1990 in Santa Cruz) is an American astronomer. He studied mathematics, physics and astronomy at the University of Virginia. He worked at the Licka Observatory in 1941-1942 and 1946-1978. He mainly focused on astrophotography. Together with Donald Shane he created a catalog of galaxies (Shane-Wirtanen Galaxy Survey). He discovered a periodic comet named 46P / Wirtanen, four other comets, and eight asteroids. One of the stars on Carl Wirtanen's photo was his wife, Edith Rand Wirtanen. The name of the asteroid (2044) Wirt comes from his name. Bibliography wiki

Diatomaceous earth

Photo of SEM diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth (diatomite soil) - Organogenic rocks formed mainly from single-celled algae diatoms - diatoms. In addition there may be remnants of other organisms, detritus quartz and calcite, glauconite, clay substances and iron compounds. Diatomaceous earth is white or yellowish white, porous, light, soft, dusty, not concise. It is formed as a settlement of cold lakes and seas. It is widely used in many industries as a filtering agent (among others in brewing), bleaching, dehydrating, refractory, heat insulation, acoustic, electric as absorbent liquid fertilizers, disinfectants and insecticides, for the manufacture of paints, lacquers , artificial stone, water glass, dynamite (as nitroglycerine stabilizer), paper industry, cleaning, polishing etc. In Poland, diatomaceous earth exists in the vicinity of Poznan, Łódź, Augustów and Bircza. It is extracted in Jawornik Ruski. Bibliography wiki

Pump Ya Fist

Pump Ya Fist - American rapper DMX single promoting the album "Here We Go Again". It consists of two songs: "Give 'em What They Want" and "Pump Ya Fist". There was a clip in which we can hear both songs. In the first part of DMX, he moves from the estate with Scott Storch to the concert. When the song changes to Pump Ya Fist, Scott Stork's place is taken by Swizz Beatz. You can see Dee in the video. Pump Ya Fist was not transferred to "Year of the Dog ... Again". Swizz Beatz, who is also his composer, is featured in the song. We can also hear the first verse on "Nowhere to Run" as the soundtrack of one of the "South Park" episodes. It is possible that the song will be recorded again and placed on one of DMX's upcoming albums. As Here We Go Again was not released, Give 'em What They Want can be heard on "Year of the Dog ... Again". The theme was composed by Scott Storch. You can also hear the song...

Discrete Valuation

Discrete Valuation is a function ν : A & # x2192; FROM & # x222A; { & # x221E; } {\displaystyle \nu :A\to \mathbb {Z} \cup \{\infty \}} where A {\displaystyle A} - alternating ring, meeting the requirements: ν ( x ⋅ Y ) = ν ( x ) + ν ( Y ) {\ displaystyle \ now (x \ cdot y) = \ now (x) + \ now (y)} ν ( x + Y ) & # x2A7E; m i n { ν ( x ) , ν ( Y ) } {\displaystyle \nu (x+y)\geqslant \mathrm {min} {\big \{}\nu (x),\nu (y){\big \}}} ν ( x ) = & # x221E; & # x27FA; x = 0 {\displaystyle \nu (x)=\infty \iff x=0} . wiki

Detention of prisoners in Kengir

The prisoners of the camp were set up in Kengir, near present day Jazeeragan in Kazakhstan in May and June 1954. Over 8,000 prisoners participated in the uprising. The Ukrainians played an active role, including many UPA members, who represented more than half the insurgents. Leaders of UPA are UPA soldiers - Hersza Keller or Mitchell Soroka. On 25 June, armored units broke up the uprising. The number of victims was up to 700 people. In the half year after the uprising built near the housing estate was given a new name - Jzezkazgan. The uprising has been described, among others. by Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn and Anna Applebaum. wiki
Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector, short for Boehm GC - Conservative garbage collector for C and C ++ languages, used by many projects in C, C ++, as well as other development environments including GNU Compiler for Java. Portable.NET and .NET Mono implementation. It runs on many operating systems, including many Unix variants, Microsoft Windows and OS X, and provides advanced features such as incremental, parallel, and different finalization syntax. Boehm GC is free software and is available under a X11-like license. Example The garbage collector works with almost unchanged C programs, you only need to change the malloc call to GC_malloc, realloc to GC_realloc, and remove the free calls. The following code shows how to use Boehm instead of malloc and free in C [1]. #include "gc.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; GC_INIT(); for (i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) { int **p = (int **) GC_MALLOC(sizeof (int *)); int *q = (int *) GC_MALL...

Flag of Great Colombia

Great Colombia used a total of four flags in its history. 1819-1820 Flag of Great Britain 1819-1820 The first flag of Great Colombia was adopted in 1819. It was modeled on the Venezuelan flag of 1811. 1820-1821 Flag of Great Britain 1820-1821 The second flag was adopted on January 10, 1820 with the change of the national emblem. 1821-1830 Flag of Great Britain 1821-1830 The third flag was adopted with the next change of emblem at the end of 1821. The size of the belts was then unified. 1822 Flag of Great Britain 1822 The fourth flag was adopted after the incorporation of Guayaquil into Great Britain on July 11, 1822. It was bound to break up in 1831. wiki
Rymwid - functioning as a male name of Lithuanian origin, nicknamed the Mickiewicz family of unknown etymology. Perhaps it was indeed a male name and, as in the case of Monivid, it was formed by the addition of the suffix -vid (see vid-išvýsti, isvýdo - see, see) to the first Rim-member, which in this case would be a short form of Rimis (goc. rimis - "peace, silence") - the first member of the Germanic composite names. Renowned celebrity celebrates July 21st. Fictional characters named Rymwid: In other languages: wiki

Izabela Jurjev

Izabela Jeljeva (Russian: Изабелла Даниловна Юрьева) (born September 7, 1899 or 1902 in Rostov on Don, died January 20, 2000) is a Russian singer. She made her debut in the theater in Rostov on Don's "По старой Калужской дороге" in 1920. In 1922, during her stay in Moscow she was heard by the important accompanist A. Taskin. Her bewildered voice told her to learn the next day of the song to perform on the stage. In 1925, during her tour in Russia's most important cities, Moscow and Leningrad met her husband. In 1926 she managed to leave Paris with her husband, where she performed in Olympia. She made such a powerful impression that she was offered a performance in the film. She had to refuse and return to the USSR. In the following years, Jurjev suffered from depression due to the death of a short-lived son of Volodya, born with congenital heart disease. The singer continued to sing and the interest in her talent grew. In 1937 she was invited to the Kremlin, wh...


Magnavox Magnavox is an electronic company founded by Edwin Pridham and Peter L. Jensen. In 1915 the brothers created a dynamic speaker and called it "Magnavox". The company was founded in 1917 under the same name to sell the product. Magnavox has become one of the major consumer and war companies. It produced radios, televisions and turntables. With the creation of the Odyssey in 1972, Magnavox has created a home video game console market. In 1974 Philips bought Magnavok's electronics division. At the end of the 1970s, the company created Odyssey², also known as Philips Videopac. In the 1990s, some Philips products were sold under the "Philips Magnavox" brand to raise awareness of the Phillips brand in the United States. The military department remained independent under the name Magnavox Electronic Systems until 1995 when it was bought by Hughes Electronics. The Magnavox brand is still used by Philips to sell cheaper products. In Australia, the Mag...

Test Mennella

Mennell's test - a test that is performed if Patricks test positive to determine whether the lesions are in the hip or in the hip joint. During the test, the subject lies on his stomach. If left hip arthroplasty is being investigated, the left hand is rubbed with the patient's cross bone, and the right hand covers the straight and lying left leg and performs a hip in the hip. A positive test indicates pain in the area of ​​the hip joint. Positive Patrick test results, with a negative Mennell test, show hip dysplasia, and positive symptoms in both tests - hip dysplasia. See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki

Bone spleen of the colon

Large intestine with colonnished color 1. ascending colon 2. transverse colon Colonic descending Esophagus Spleen bundle is between part 2 and 3. Colonic biliary colic, left colon, flexura coli sinistra s. lienalis - colon fragment separating its transverse and descending parts. The right angle differs from the sharp angle, which can sometimes hinder the movement of the content. It will overcome the pressure of 4.9 kPa (found experimentally). Topography Position relative to skeleton: VII rib, axillary line. Relative visibility: on the front surface of the kidney up to the front surface of the spleen. The bend is connected to the diaphragm at the location of its attachment (adjacent to rib X) through the diaphragmatic ligament. For right bends: higher and more rear Bibliography Adam Bochenek, Michał Reicher, "Human Anatomy, Volume II" See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki

Team of Job

The hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES, Job syndrome) - a rare syndrome of genetically impaired immunity, with autosomal dominant inheritance. It is believed that the syndrome is associated with impaired neutrophil chemotaxis caused by decreased production of interferon gamma. The Hiob syndrome is characterized by recurrent staphylococcal infections, dermatitis, severe pulmonary inflammation and elevated IgE levels in plasma. The disease causes mutations in the STAT3 gene at locus 4q21. See terms related to medical terms and related wikipedia. wiki
Homestead Act - a United States Congress adopting the 1862 Act granting every citizen, or any other person intending to adopt US citizenship, 160 acres (approximately 65 acres) of uninhabited lands belonging to the state. received by Indians on the basis of treaties or by fact made) and then the possibility of buying them at nominal value after 5 years of their residence. The law is so far the only land law in the history of the United States - never before has the conditions been so favorable: large land area, preferential prices distributed to very favorable installments. However, the settlers were obliged to serve in the Army of the North during the Civil War, which was the main purpose of the act. The purpose of the law was to settle the western part of the country (the Wild West), the territorial expansion of the United States, the assimilation of indigenous tribes, the development of the farm, and the response to the freesoilers. By 1900, 80 million acres of land were distribu...

Giovanni Ceva

On the right lines, construction of one another with cutting of statics are, 1678 Giovanni Ceva (born 7 December 1647 in Milan, died 15 June 1734 in Mantua) is an Italian mathematician. He studied at the Jesuit College in Milan and then at the University of Pisa. He also lectured there until 1686, when he became professor of mathematics at the University of Mantua. Cevy's math interest was focused on geometry. In 1678 he published his claim, now called Cevy's assertion. This has been one of the greatest discoveries in the field of Euclidean geometry since ancient times. Ceva also discovered and published the forgotten Menelaus theorem. His other works include mechanics, statics, hydraulics and economics. Published in 1711, De Re Nummeraria was one of the first books devoted to mathematical economics. Ceva analyzed the conditions of the balance of the monetary system of a small state. His brother, Jesuit Tommaso Ceva, was also a mathematician. Authoritative control (...


Dobrowoj - Old Polish male name, composed of members of Dobro- ("good") and -woj ("warrior"). It was a wish and meant "one who would be a good warrior". First listed in 1397. Possible old Polish shortcuts: Good, Dobrak, Dobran, Dobrota (masc.), Dobrzan, Dobrzyna (masc.), Dobra (masc.), Dobral, Dobrak, Dobrek, Dobrko, Dobroch, Dobroj, Dobrota. Dobronia, Dobronisz, Goodness, Goodness, Goodness, Goodness, Goodness, Dobroszek, Dobroska, Dobronia, Dobroń A good name day celebrates August 14th. Female equivalent: Goodwill wiki

Teodor Liese

The grave of Teodor Liese on Powązki Military Teodor Liese (born 1916, died October 4, 2007) - Polish violinist, social activist for the musical environment, soldier of the underworld After the outbreak of World War II, he participated in the Polish defense activities of September 1939, and during the occupation, a member of the underground, a participant in the rebellion of prisoners detained in the prison at ul. In 1942, a prisoner of Pawiak and the German concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he played in a camp orchestra. He was a long-time member of the National Philharmonic Orchestra and co-founder of the Association of Polish Soldiers of Soldiers. He was buried on October 12, 2007, at the Powązki Military in Warsaw. Bibliography wiki

Jacek Rybicki

Jacek Rybicki (born March 25, 1959 in Gdańsk) is a Polish politician, trade union activist, teacher, Curriculum vitae Graduated from the 9th Academy of Music in Gdansk. In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Gdańsk. He worked as a teacher at the School Complex No. 5 in Gdansk. In the early 1990s he was editor-in-chief of the "Educational Review". From March 1993 to June 1998, he was the chairman of the board of directors of the Gdansk region of NSZZ "Solidarność". In the 1990s he served as deputy chairman of the national commission of the union. He served as a member of the III term of office from the Solidarność Electoral Action List. He belonged to the Social Movement. He was among the closest collaborators of Marian Krzaklewski and the most influential politicians of the AWS (he was also vice-chairman of the parliamentary club and chairman of the political council of the AWS). In 2001 he was not awarded a mandate and return...

Tax arrears

Tax Invoice - a situation in which the due tax was not paid within the prescribed period. The cause of the deadline is irrelevant. According to Art. Section 51§1 of the Tax Ordinance tax arrears is a tax not paid on time (... and also) unpaid advance or tax installment. Equal to tax arrears, it is also considered: overpayment, interest on undue overpayment, tax refund if the taxpayer receives it wrongly and remuneration of the payers, collectors collected unduly. The arrears of tax arrears give the taxpayer the legal consequence of the obligation to pay, in addition to the arrears, interest on late payments. Bibliography wiki

Isolda on White Hands

Isolda on White Hands - heroine of the legend of Tristan and Isolde. Isolda on White Hands was Breton, the wife of Tristan, who had married her, believing that Isolde of Jasper had forgotten about her. It was only after the fact that he understood his mistake. In order to remain faithful to Islaus Vyshnevsky, he decided to lie to his wife, saying that he had made a marriage banning him from having sex with his wife for a year after the conclusion of the sacrament. In the beginning, the Isolde of White Hands believed Tristan, but then discovered the sad truth and hated her husband. Tristan died deceived by her - when he waited for his friend's return, fulfilling the last will of the dying knight, she told him that the sail of the ship was a black man, which meant that Isolde's uncle would not come to say goodbye to his beloved. was successful). When she understood what she had done in her hatred, she lost her mind. wiki

Bloodline (komiks)

Bloodline is a French comic series about two siblings: Kevin and Lauren, who try to unravel the mystery of their parents' murder. The script writer is Ange, Alberto Varanda (volumes 1-3) and Louis-Xavier Valton (volume 4) are responsible for the drawings. The series was published by Vents d'Ouest and Motopol-Your Comics published the first three volumes of the cycle. Tomy 1. Red Moon (1997, Polish edition 2002) 2. Ravage (1998, issue 2003) 3. Reconstruction of the past (1998, ed. 2003) 4. Entre les mondes (2002; unpublished volume in Polish) wiki

Isotherma Sircara

Sircar's isotherm is a 3-parameter equation for multilayer adsorption on a homogeneous surface, a generalization of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm. θ = 1 & # x2212; ( C & # x221E; & # x2212; 1 ) x 1 & # x2212; x ⋅ ( K x 1 & # x2212; x 1 + K x 1 & # x2212; x ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\frac {1-(C_{\infty }-1)x}{1-x}}\cdot \left({\frac {K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}{1+K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}}\right)} where: The Sircar equation can be used as a local isotherm for the description of adsorption on a heterogeneous surface (energetically heterogeneous) using the general integral equation. 1 & # x2212; x ) {\displaystyle \theta ={\frac {1-(C_{\infty }-1)x}{1-x}}\cdot \left({\frac {K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}{1+K{\frac {x}{1-x}}}}\right)} where: The Sircar equation can be used as a local isotherm for the description of adsorption on a heterogeneous surface (energetically heterogeneous) using the general integral equation. wiki

Ludwik Kubik

Ludwik Kubik (born March 4, 1915 in Gnojnica, died April 23, 2008 in Cracow) - lawyer, soldier of the AK Lucjan - Commander of AK Sędziszów II, commander of the company in action Storm, one of the leaders of WiN, political prisoner in 1947-1957 convicted in the demonstration process. One of the creators of the Union of Soldiers of the Home Army and the Association of Social and Veterans Association "Freedom and Independence", editor of Historical Books "WiN". He was a very active participant in the anti-communist conspiracy, among others. Lukasz Cieplinski, head of communications of the WiN District in Cracow, head of the organizational department of the Southern Area Management Board and then the 4th Head of the WiN Board. After leaving prison he was a longtime employee of Tygodnik Powszechny and Znak Publishing. The Cross of the Polish Army, the Cross of Merit, the Medal of the Polish Army, the Cross of Valor, the Cross of the WiN, the Gold Medal for the Servi...

Chana Białkowicz

Chany Białkowicz's grave at the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw March 20, 1884, died July 4, 1962 in Warsaw) - Polish theater actress of Jewish origin, actress of the Jewish Theater in Lodz, Lower Silesian Jewish Theater in Wroclaw and then Jewish Theater in Warsaw. He is buried in the Jewish cemetery in Okopowa Street in Warsaw (Unit 39, Row 2). Her husband Israel (1890-1959) and son Michal (1919-1990) were also actors. Theater career Jewish Theater in Warsaw Lower Silesian Jewish Theater in Wroclaw Jewish Theater in Lodz wiki

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve zimą National Monument and Preserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [] National monument and nature reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The statue was established by President Calvin Coolidge on May 2, 1924. Over the years its borders have been changed many times. President Bill Clinton increased significantly the protected area on November 9, 2000, and in 2002 a nature reserve was established in the protected area. Today, the protected area occupies an area of ​​2,892.41 square kilometers and is under the joint management of the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. There are many tectonic and volcanic phenomena in the park. These include extensive lava fields and one of the deepest known tectonic rifts on Earth. wiki


KOSTRZANIE is a folklore group, formed in 1975 on the initiative of the Circle of Rural Housewives in Kostrze / Kostrzy in the Commune of Strzegom. It is a multi-generational group, with about 80 people including a 6-person band. Substantial supervision over the ensemble is performed by the Strzegom Cultural Center. In his repertoire, the band has dances from various regions of the country: Cracow, Lubelskie, Dolnośląskie, Łowicz, Rzeszow and Łowickie dances and songs accompanying celebrations of Holy Bread, Harvesting / Harvest Festival and religious repertoire. The band performed in many places in Poland and abroad, among others. in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Macedonia, Greece, Italy and Hungary. He won many prizes and prizes: Grand Prix IV of the Inter-vivo Confrontation of Children and Youth Artistic Workshops in Jelenia Góra, 97th place in the National Festival of Rural Artistic Groups Kielce '97 and the award of the Minister of Culture and Art and the Rad...

Kazimierz Thullie

Kazimierz Thullie of the coat of arms of Prawdzic (born 1885 in Lviv, died in January 1957 in Gdansk) - Polish Catholic priest. Maximilian Thull, son of the Rector of the Lviv Polytechnic and senator of the Republic of Poland. He received his ordination at the priestly seminaries in Lviv and Innsbruck, Austria. On his return to Poland he served as a priest and was a catechist at several Lviv schools, and later in the 1930s in Janów Podlaski. After World War II, he went to Gdansk, where he worked in the parish church until his death. The Sacred Heart of Jesus in the district of Wrzeszcz together with Fr. Przytocki-embolism. He was also a catechist at the Third High School. The author of the first Polish-Latin moss cookbook for children and two school textbooks with catechesis. All these works were published before 1939. textbooks Methodological handbooks Bibliography wiki

Stochastic tree

Stochastic tree - a graphical representation of a probabilistic space describing the course of a multi-stage random experiment. This method is very helpful in calculating the likelihood of events. A stochastic tree consists of vertices representing the result of a random experience occurring in a particular situation (dependent on previous random experiments) and the edge between the vertices labeled with the probabilities with which the event occurs. The stochastic tree has the following properties: wiki

Jan Kaszuba

Jan Kaszuba (born May 18, 1921 in Bialystok, Poland, October 15, 2007) is a Polish activist, entrepreneur and president of the Polish Canadian Congress in 1980-1986, chairman of the Polish-Polish Community Council, co-founder of the Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce . Graduate of the National College of Rubber Technology and the Chemistry of the Polytechnic in England. After the outbreak of World War II he participated in Polish defense activities as a scout in Gdynia. He was imprisoned by the German occupier and was arrested by the Gestapo in 1942, for four months he was detained in a Gdansk prison. Next, the prisoners of the concentration camps of Stutthof and Mauthausen-Gusen, where he was rescued in 1945, liberated by American troops. Soldier of the 2nd Corps of the Polish Army in Italy. Since 1946, he has been living in the United Kingdom, and since 1953, has emigrated to Canada where he founded his own company in 1960. He was among others the president of the Circle No. 20 ...

Joseph Andrews

Joseph Andrews - the common name of the English novel, written in 1742 by Henry Fielding. Her full name is: The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend, Mr. Abraham Adams ("The Story of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend, Abraham Adams"). Contents The main character, Joseph Andrews, is a young, naive boy whose life is constantly steered by others. Andrews was like a male version of Pamela from another novel by Fielding, Shamel. Andrews loves Fanny's simple girlfriend. She lives, however, and serves in Lady Booby's castle, which (after the death of her husband, Sir Thomas) unambiguously tries to seduce Joseph, as does the maid, Mrs. Slipslop. Andrews must escape from the castle and wander around the world. It is often attacked and used by others. At times, Fanny is looking for her, and sometimes he and her bear misfortune. They help only the good-natured, pasty Adams. screening In 1977, director Tony Richardson filmed the film ba...

Jamie Behar

Jamie Behar, owner. James Behar (born June 27, 1976) is an American musician from New York City. He is currently a vocalist and guitarist of the band Screamo Off Minor, and also plays bass in the band Olde Ghost. In 1997-1999 he played in Saetia. He studies medicine. Jamie founded Saetia in 1997 with vocalist Billy Werner, drummer Greg Drudy and bassist Alex Madara. Together they released two mini albums and one album. Saetia broke up in October 1999. In the same month, Jamie founded Off Minor alongside Matt Smith and Steven Roche. So far the band has released two albums and four splits. Behar inspires jazz, which can be heard on recordings of both Saetia and Off Minor. wiki

David Bruce

Sir David Bruce Sir David Bruce (May 29, 1855 - November 27, 1931) is a Scottish microbiologist and military physician. From 1883 to 1923 he stayed in British colonies. on Malta. In 1887 he described a bacterium called Maltese bark that caused infectious goat's drowning. In 1889 he announced the results of research on Maltese fever. In 1894, he discovered the Trypanosoma brucellosis carried by a tse-tse fly and caused the disease to be bitten in cattle. In 1930 he confirmed the transfer of African coma by the same insect to humans. Laurent Leeuwenhoeck Medal in 1915. Bibliography Authoritative control (person): wiki

Giuseppe Osorio

Giuseppe Osorio Alcàron (born 1697 in Trapani, died 8 January 1763 in Turin) is a Sardinian diplomat. Baptized on 22 September 1697. From 1714, Victor Amadeus II employed him as his paggio di onore. Later at the expense of the monarch he studied in Leiden international law, or as it was then said: the law of the nations (dritto delle genti). From 1722 he worked as an assistant to the Sardinian ambassador in the Netherlands. In the years 1729-1733 he was a Sardinian munich in London. In 1743 he made a treaty with Worms under which Maria Teresa Habsburg agreed that certain territories in Italy would be purchased by Karol Emanuel III. Bibliography wiki

Antoni Trznadel

Antoni Trznadel (born 13 June 1857 in Odrzykonu near Krosno, died 3 July 1908 in Cracow) is a Polish theologian and professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Curriculum vitae He was born in Odrzykonie in a peasant family. After graduating from the Gymnasium in Rzeszów, he continued his studies at the Seminary in Przemysl, obtaining priestly ordination in 1877. He then undertook studies at the Theological Institute "Augustineum" in Vienna, but did not finish them in connection with his appointment as lecturer in dogmatic theology at the Seminary in Przemysl. In 1884 he received his doctorate in the Faculty of Theology at the Jagiellonian University. In the years 1886-1887 he made numerous journeys, during which he periodically studied in Innsbruck, Rome and Paris. In 1891 he was appointed to the position of associate professor and in 1897 he became professor of ordinary moral theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University. He was buried at the C...

Andrzej Imosa

Andrzej Imosa (born July 17, 1947 in Zborów, died April 6, 1987 in Cracow) is a Polish cyclist and trainer. He represented the colors of the club LKS Piast Chęciny. Over the years, he was one of the leaders in the Kielce region. At the end of his career, he took up the training of young people. In 1986 he set up a cycling section in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. On March 22, 1987, during the first spring training, Rudk Bałtowska near Bałtów was attacked by a drunken hooligan with a group of charges. As he bumped his bike, he hit his head badly on the road and lost consciousness. He died on April 6, 1987 in a clinic in Cracow without recovering consciousness. He was buried in Busko-Zdrój. Andrzej Imosa's death was echoed in the country. To commemorate his memory, several months after his death in Busko-Zdrój, I was organizing his first cycling memorial. Since then, this cycling event is taking place in the spring of each year in Busko-Zdrój. On 10 May 2008, another XXI Cycling Mem...

Andreas Dittmer

Andreas Dittmer Andreas Dittmer (born April 16, 1972 in Neustrelitz), German canoeer, canoeist, multiple Olympic medalist. The first World Cup medal was won in 1991, as a member of the four. In the following years he sailed in two together with Gunnar Kirchbach. They won the 1994 World Cup and the Atlanta Games. Since 1997, Dittmer has been in the C-1. That same year he won his first world title in this competition. At first the better results were achieved at a distance of 1000 meters, but in Athens he won the race for 500 meters. Earlier this year, he won both world championships. Olympic Games (medals) Atlanta 1996 Sydney 2000 Athens 2004 wiki