Stefan Grajek
Stefan Grajek, born in 1916 in Warsaw, died April 13, 2008 in Israel) memoirist. Curriculum vitae He was born in Warsaw in a Jewish family. He belonged to He-Chaluc and was the head of Hachszary on Grochów. He was also a member of Poale Zion-Right. During World War II he was transferred to the Warsaw Ghetto. He was the co-founder of the underground movement Poale Zion, where he was a member of the central leadership. He was also a co-founder of the Jewish Fighting Organization and the Jewish Coordinating Committee. After the Great Expulsion Campaign in 1941, he was active in the Schultz and Toebbens sheds. On his initiative a tunnel was excavated through which a group of ghetto militants passed from Leszno Street to Ogrodowa Street on the Aryan side of town. He participated in the Warsaw Uprising, after which he hid in Kielce. After the end of the war, he actively organized illegal immigration to Palestine. He was a member of the Central Committee of Polish Jews. In 1950 he emig...